Magicians......Curious as to know if someone asked you to define Magic...what would you say ??

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
It's a bit of a sliding scale of numerous things. Part of it has to do with the magicians passion for what they work on, building the atmosphere...and I'm trying to word this correctly but I just got up: how well you can entertain? I hope that makes sense.

The trick or method you use doesn't matter nearly as much as what you do with it within a routine. Like, if you spend the next two years learning Raise Rise and can do it flawlessly, it looks amazing, but you will gain so much more if you put it into a fantastic routine.

I believe that we have to create a sort of "Bubble of entertainment" in which everyone inside the bubble is involved and immersed. And that is the most important thing to shoot for. I mean, you can create FANTASTIC routines with cheap and easy stuff laymen can find in any magic shop (IE: Invisible Deck). Best example I can think of for simple tricks with fantastic routines: Rene Lavand.

At least, thats what I try to nudge people towards: be more entertaining than building a "trick emporium"...unless you're a collector of stuff; but even then, learn to entertain well.
It's a bit of a sliding scale of numerous things. Part of it has to do with the magicians passion for what they work on, building the atmosphere...and I'm trying to word this correctly but I just got up: how well you can entertain? I hope that makes sense.

The trick or method you use doesn't matter nearly as much as what you do with it within a routine. Like, if you spend the next two years learning Raise Rise and can do it flawlessly, it looks amazing, but you will gain so much more if you put it into a fantastic routine.

I believe that we have to create a sort of "Bubble of entertainment" in which everyone inside the bubble is involved and immersed. And that is the most important thing to shoot for. I mean, you can create FANTASTIC routines with cheap and easy stuff laymen can find in any magic shop (IE: Invisible Deck). Best example I can think of for simple tricks with fantastic routines: Rene Lavand.

At least, thats what I try to nudge people towards: be more entertaining than building a "trick emporium"...unless you're a collector of stuff; but even then, learn to entertain well.
I totally agree !! To me its about connecting with others. My whole MO is spreading love through magic. I always never know what someone is going through and right now their life may seem impossible to them. Then you come along with a smile and show them something they perceive impossible become possible. You just may have given them what they need to get through the day. This world is to crazy.....if i can help someone escape the daily stresses of their life for 5 min.....then id say a job well done. magic is a language spoken through action all over the world !!

Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Magic to me is sitting at the table day in and day out with your cards. Carving out time for something you otherwise would not make time for be it Second Dealing,Bottom Dealing, or Up The Ladder.:D
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