Malice in Wonderland!

Michael Kras

{dg} poet laureate / theory11
Sep 12, 2007
Hello everyone!!!

So recently, I've pushed my focus more towards other aspects of theatre... I still love magic but am focusing on my acting and scripting abilities right now. Recently, I was cast as one of the leads in our submission to the Sears Drama Festival... The play is student-written and is called Malice in Wonderland.*

Westmount Secondary School's 2010 submission to the Sears Ontario Drama Festival follows a young girl named Alice on her journey through Wonderland as she also completes a journey to her adulthood and loss of innocence. Guided by The White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat, she faces numerous daunting tasks that inspire, confuse, and terrify. The play is only 30 minutes long and is my first lead role (I play the White Rabbit). Please excuse the inappropriate laughter in the audience, there was a definite lack of maturity for a play this adult. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. We had less than a month to rehearse, block, paint sets, design and obtain costumes, and I think it's amazing what we were able to accomplish in such a short time.

PART 1. *


PART 3. *

PART 4. *

Thank you! Let me know what you think!

Michael Kras

Michael Kras

{dg} poet laureate / theory11
Sep 12, 2007
Well, I feel magic and dramatic theatre are one and the same. Therefore, a dramatic production I feel should be a great educational tool for a magician. After all, it was Robert Houdin who defined a magician as "an actor playing the part of a magician."

I hope that's reason enough.

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
but is still not magic related...a lot of people post some non-magic related stuff and get their threads locked...

I know you like theatre and all that stuff..but maybe you should post this in a theatre forum where people that know about the subject can really help you and contribute...

this is not the place...unless you are just trying to boost your ego...
Apr 1, 2009
Magic is all about playing a character. whether it be an outspoken one to one with few words. Your magic is nothing without character. And the knowledge of acting and theater benefits your magic, believe it or not... and what's more magical than a little Alice and Wonderland?

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
Magic is all about playing a character. whether it be an outspoken one to one with few words. Your magic is nothing without character. And the knowledge of acting and theater benefits your magic, believe it or not... and what's more magical than a little Alice and Wonderland?

I agree at some extent...but I am also a Flamenco Guitarrist and an Architect...and there some similitudes in those arts to magic...but not because of that I am going around magic forums posting projects and videos of me playing guitar....just to get views or get people to tell me I rock...
Apr 1, 2009
Art is art... I honestly can't stand watching some kid constantly posting his double lift either. or a random flourish. I'd so much rather watch some other display of ART. True art is magic.
Jul 13, 2009
Playing the guitar is a bit different then stepping into someonelse's body, whether Fictious or not. Great post and I always enjoy watching actors do what they are good at. I only wish magicians would more thoroughly immerse themselves into their character.

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
Playing the guitar is a bit different then stepping into someonelse's body, whether Fictious or not. Great post and I always enjoy watching actors do what they are good at. I only wish magicians would more thoroughly immerse themselves into their character.

I think is very similar..

overcome nerves...
practice a lot to prevent failure...
behave to an audience...
have your own style...
Aug 17, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
Magic is all about playing a character. whether it be an outspoken one to one with few words. Your magic is nothing without character. And the knowledge of acting and theater benefits your magic, believe it or not... and what's more magical than a little Alice and Wonderland?

I agree with this to, I toyally believe in having a character when you perform magic. I do, but this is a magic forum... I just don't think someone should post videos non-magic... Even if it is Alice in Wonderland.

Jul 13, 2009
Well report the damn thing then. If you feel this is a violation of the rules and regs of the forum report it so a moderator can close it if they see fit to close it. Personally I think this could be made into a great magic discussion, which kindled a little. But no one is stopping you from hitting the little Exclamation button titled report this post, quit complaining about it and do something!

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
Mmm, I'm reminded of why I stopped posting here.

really?...remember this forums are full of magicians but also normal people...not everybody appreciate art the way you do...if you stop posting here`s your problem...but instead of posting something useful, you post something nice...but non magic related and you wonder why a lot of people doesn`t agree? c`mon..
Sep 10, 2008
After all, it was Robert Houdin who defined a magician as "an actor playing the part of a magician."

He nailed it here.

Acting is one of the fundamental tools of magic; as important as sleights, script, routining, etc.
People post videos of themselves doing sleights for whatever reason, so why shouldn't we post videos of us in character?

slight digression now:
Playing the guitar is a bit different then stepping into someonelse's body, whether Fictious or not. Great post and I always enjoy watching actors do what they are good at. I only wish magicians would more thoroughly immerse themselves into their character.

Depending on what style of music you are playing, I believe that playing music requires the same understanding of "truth" that actors do. Whether you are replicating or interpreting.

If you're playing a classical piece, like a Mozart for example, you need to understand the emotion is trying to be portrayed, and the "truth" that the author has put into it. This allows you to effectively and appropriately apply your subtleties, ornamentation, articulation, etc.

If you don't do this, you might as well just let a machine play the music.

Likewise with Jazz. A musician's interpretation of a jazz piece relies largely on the musician. What truth he reads from it. What truth from himself he can bring into it. That's why you can take one of the most upbeat standards and turn it into a ballad, or a slow waltz, but you really need a good unerstanding of yourself and your present state to it to do this effectively and appropriately.

If you don't do this, you might as well just let a machine play the music.

BTW. This is a good thread. We really need to focus on our characters as much as we focus on our sleights.

Thank you for posting this, I haven't gotten around to watching the videos, I'm at university at the moment, but I'll be sure to when I can.

Michael Kras

{dg} poet laureate / theory11
Sep 12, 2007
really?...remember this forums are full of magicians but also normal people...not everybody appreciate art the way you do...if you stop posting here`s your problem...but instead of posting something useful, you post something nice...but non magic related and you wonder why a lot of people doesn`t agree? c`mon..

You've missed my point. My point is, it seems like topics here rarely ever stay on topic, and a pointless argument ensues... Sometimes involving parties who have no idea what they're talking about.

While we are on this topic however, I personally feel acting and character work are THE single most important aspects of magic performance. Many are likely to disagree but it is entirely a matter of opinion. Technique is fun and beneficial, sure, and I confess I myself spend great amounts of time and effort on technique, but my actual live performances for a full audience seldom rely on technique and advanced sleight of hand. If you're studying technique with hopes to be a compelling performer, you are wasting your time. Tamariz's excellent Five Points, sans magic effects, is the PERFECT basic actors handbook. Magic is a theatrical performance, with an actor playing the part of a person with supernatural or mystical abilities and utilizing deception and subterfuge to aid his character performance.
Last edited by a moderator:
Sep 10, 2008
You've missed my point. My point is, it seems like topics here rarely ever stay on topic, and a pointless argument ensues... Sometimes involving parties who have no idea what they're talking about.

not all of them are pointless. At least some of them get people thinking about some aspects of their magic.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
I think this is a great thread, and it would be sad if it got locked.

I also have to say, though, that I am a bit disappointed this thread didn't turn out to be about Snoop Dogg :p.

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
You've missed my point. My point is, it seems like topics here rarely ever stay on topic, and a pointless argument ensues... Sometimes involving parties who have no idea what they're talking about.

While we are on this topic however, I personally feel acting and character work are THE single most important aspects of magic performance. Many are likely to disagree but it is entirely a matter of opinion. Technique is fun and beneficial, sure, and I confess I myself spend great amounts of time and effort on technique, but my actual live performances for a full audience seldom rely on technique and advanced sleight of hand. If you're studying technique with hopes to be a compelling performer, you are wasting your time. Tamariz's excellent Five Points, sans magic effects, is the PERFECT basic actors handbook. Magic is a theatrical performance, with an actor playing the part of a person with supernatural or mystical abilities and utilizing deception and subterfuge to aid his character performance.

I do get your point...believe me...I do have an understanding of how character and presentation is a key point in magic...but we weren´t discusing magic or this before...

you just post a video of a play...that doesn´t help in any way here...myabe if you posted a thread explaining how magic is related to theatre and acting, it would have been a nice discussion...but you didn´t....

next time you want to explain how magic relates to acting....please don´t post a video of you acting...just write it...

like me...I wanted to write how magic relates to architecture...and I didn´t post a video of my projects....i did this...
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