Marlo's Magazine Vol. 4 Palm Capping Methods ?

Dec 6, 2017
I've been trying to track down a copy of Marlo's Magazine Vol. 4 and cannot find it.
In it are 3 Capping techniques I have been very adamant in learning for quite a while. The Spider Return, The Pickup Replacement, and the Invisible Capping. Would Anybody be able to provide a brief explanation behind the idea of these 3 moves ? Additionally If anybody knows of some Library or anyplace I could find a copy for reference of purchase that would be wonderful.


Elite Member
Aug 20, 2010
You just missed a copy on ebay, which may be relisted. If you're willing to settle for The Spider Return only you could purchase the Edward Marlo - The Secret Sessions Volume 3.
Dec 6, 2017
Yes I most certainly will then get Vol 3 of the Secret Sessions. thank you for bringing my attention to that.
Also I only ever see Vol. 5 of Marlo's Magazine posted on Ebay. Could you provide me the sellers account name if its no trouble. Thanks again.
Sep 10, 2017
(edited quote for exposure)

That seems to be an illegal website. I thinj it’s against the rules to post such links here.
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