Now You See Me 2 Card Scene Deck?

Antonio Diavolo

Elite Member
Jan 2, 2016
Hello! I'm new to this forum. I tried to make a post but accidentally made a conversation because I was that confused. That's besides the point though. I was wondering if anyone knew what deck was used in the card throwing heist scene from NYSM2. Its not the red Monarchs they use throughout the movie. It has some sort of border less, hexagon design. Anyone know the name of this deck or if it even exists?
Feb 1, 2017
I know what scene you are talking about. It is the monarch. The back is not, but the front is. They are throwing around an Ace of Spade that has the same design as the Monarchs. Perhaps the back was designed specifically for the movie. Either to hide the chip they were trying to steal, or so it would match the inside design of J. Daniel Atlas' coat, played by Jesse Eisenberg.

It's possible that is the back to an actual card, but I just don't know what it is. But the face of the card is clearly a Monarch Ace of Spades.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
It is a sweet back design. I think in this case it was designed just to blend in with the lining of the jacket.

Borderless Monarchs would be sweet.
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