Performance cues.

Nov 20, 2013
I wrote this blog post on Stake Show. I am sharing it on Theory11.

Why you need performance cues. Perform better. Smarter. Efficiently. With diversity. Give a read.

Day 40. Performance Cues.

What I know. You see a cute girl. You want to perform. It's magical. But you don't perform. You wait. You sit on your hands. Not good. You second guess abilities. You think. “She won't want to see it.” You might be wrong. You might be right. But you are a baby. You are hiding behind fear.

You are telling yourself not to perform. You should perform. She could be your new love. Perform. Anything will do. Even a coin vanish. Pull it from her ear. Magic is a great ice breaker. Try it.

What else I know. If you are scared to perform. This is called “AA”. Or Approach Anxiety. Everyone has had it once. Maybe even twice. How do you overcome AA? Don't think. Use cues.

Don't test the waters. It may be cold. It may suck. You'll psych yourself out. Jump in the performing waters. Within three seconds you should say “Hi!”. Now you made a buddy bud. Ask her to see a trick.

Be scared. I don't care. But you can't starve because you may choke. You'll die! Perform. Don't over think it. Once the conversation starts the fear will fade. It's just talking.

My proposition? Performing cues. Instead of second guessing the what. Have cues! If you see a girl in a blue shirt. She gets X trick. Man in green. Y trick. Man looking at graphic novels. X+Y trick. Man carrying 100 pounds of logs. A 35 minute act. The more “common” the cue. The easier it should be.

You see if you push. If you really push that fear away it will fade. The cues are used to bypass the decision making. The decision making of “what trick”. Making the act of performing easier. Streamlined. Fun. Like an awesome artistic factory. However, you still get diversity. Best of both worlds? I think so.

After months, you may need to change the cues. It may be you never see the cue. Maybe you see the cue too often. It's your journey. Right the quest.

“Are you a magician?” An easy transition from an easy cue. You can perform from this cue. But this cue rarely happens. People are too scared. You need to create the cue.

What are your existing cues? Tell me below. I may respond.
Thanks Reader. You're awesome. Your support keeps me going.

Until next time. Cue it up.

I am Joshua Meggison. Thanks for the read.
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