Pul Harris/Alexander Kolle : Hawk 2.0?

I was skimming around youtube and I found this effect a while ago. I saved it in my favorite goodies and took a look back through them and came back across this. I saw this video but I havn't heard much about The Hawk 2.0 presented from Paul Harris by Alexander Kolle. Has anyone heard anything? Ever used this effect? If anyone had some info that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.

-Take a look above at the link, I think that it looks fantastic and knowing Paul Harris should be good. What do you guys think?
Sep 1, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Not sure about 2.0 but I heard that the original Hawk was extremely impractical and that it was fairly obvious to spectaters. Ive heard better about 2.0 though.


It is a great effect and it is a reputation maker so I think you should get it


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
It's a great trick with a clever method that 90% of people that buy it will never perform, and of that 10% another 90% will probably never recreate it if the gimmick breaks.
Jun 10, 2010
It's a great trick with a clever method that 90% of people that buy it will never perform, and of that 10% another 90% will probably never recreate it if the gimmick breaks.

I've heard you say that for like, half the gimmicked effects people ask about on here. Or just heard that in general. But either way, you're right.

I'm assuming the gimmick takes a long time and a lot of hard work to create, then?


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I've heard you say that for like, half the gimmicked effects people ask about on here. Or just heard that in general. But either way, you're right.

I'm assuming the gimmick takes a long time and a lot of hard work to create, then?

I've only ever said it for this gimmick. You've probably just heard it said before.

It's not so much that it's a lot of hard work as it's a bit tricky and it's probably going to frustrate a lot of people. There's also some randomness involved in the performance that will scare people who rely on surefire methods. For those that know it, it's along the same lines as the little statue of the drunkard, although the methods are completely unrelated.

For full disclosure, I don't own it and I don't ever plan to get it. It doesn't really suit me, although I think it's a pretty good trick. I have, however, seen two people's versions of the gimmicks, both the 'regular' and the 'stealth' gimmick, and I can see that many people just aren't going to want to put this kind of work into something that they will probably only be able to present as a 'card trick'.


Elite Member
Aug 3, 2010
Dominican Republic
hawk 2.0 is the same thing as the original hawk the only difference are that he add 2 more gimmicks to this dvd "the lucky card" and "stealth hawk" (the one with the coin) is a good trick but is not angle proof..
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