Saturday Night Contest - Create a Flourish : Round III


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
A few months ago we posted a Saturday Night Contest challenging each of you to create a flourish from scratch - created, filmed, and posted within a three hour time span. The winner later became an artist - Andrei Jikh. The move that was created, the b4cut, was posted yesterday in the 1-on-1 training section. We later did a second contest of this nature, and tonight is the third in the series.

Tonight, we challenge you to round two. The concept is to create a new flourish or cardistry sequence. Concepts must be filmed and uploaded (in video format) on or before 11:00pm EST, with links posted in response to this forum thread. You have three hours and thirty minutes to make it happen.

Submissions will be judged based on creativity, originality, and overall impact. The more creative, the better. Videos should be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, or another popular video sharing site. Tonight's submissions will be judged by the t11 crew and Andrei Jikh, and we look forward to seeing your skillz. Have fun with it.

What's up for grabs? One deck of White Centurions, signed by the winner of the last contest of this type - Andrei Jikh.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Because of the time constraints, I would imagine it would be very difficult to create more than one solid submission per member. However, there are no explicit limits set in stone.
Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
haha i totally knew this was gonna happen. Unfortunately my brain has been drained of creativity by the alien next door. And i'm not too interested in White Centurions. Oh well, this will be a good contest to watch.
A few months ago we posted a Saturday Night Contest challenging each of you to create a flourish from scratch - created, filmed, and posted within a three hour time span. The winner later became an artist - Andrei Jikh. The move that was created, the b4cut, was posted yesterday in the 1-on-1 training section. We later did a second contest of this nature, and tonight is the third in the series.

Tonight, we challenge you to round two. The concept is to create a new flourish or cardistry sequence. Concepts must be filmed and uploaded (in video format) on or before 11:00pm EST, with links posted in response to this forum thread. You have three hours and thirty minutes to make it happen.

Submissions will be judged based on creativity, originality, and overall impact. The more creative, the better. Videos should be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, or another popular video sharing site. Tonight's submissions will be judged by the t11 crew and Andrei Jikh, and we look forward to seeing your skillz. Have fun with it.

What's up for grabs? One deck of White Centurions, signed by the winner of the last contest of this type - Andrei Jikh.

Hey can we do a magic video?????????
Sep 30, 2008
Normally, I don't do flourishes (AT ALL), but I've been working on one lately that is like 5 packet flourish cut and totally false!!!!!!!!
May 17, 2008
Dang when I read this my mind started going and I came up with the sickist flourish eva but I dont have a camera!!!!! this sucks anyways good luck to anyone who enters
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