Shadow Masters!

Sep 25, 2007
Yep, E finally let loose what they look like, but out of respect for T11 I won't post the link here... you'll have to go to the site and see for yourself. Just let me say, THEY A REALLY AMAZING. I don't care what you might say, its MY opinion and I really am impressed. Thick stock and finish, the ace, jokers, dbl back card... eeeeeee!


p.s. oh yea and they are releasing the black ghosts too! but in 2nd edition boxes.

I'm no fan boy, but I sure am looking forward to these.

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
Amazing isn't the word I would use to describe them.
Cool, maybe, but the back looks like a Black Ghost and the front looks like a black tiger but with some shading.
However, I would buy the deck just for the Jokers. They probably beat out the Guardian Jokers in terms of coolness, and one of them is a reveal card.

What's up with E's need to make almost all of their cards black and dark?
seriously, the only ones that aren't are the Vintage 1800's, and the Masters.
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Aug 31, 2007
They look nice. Glad Ellusionist decided cards are made for using. I'm not a fan of the red pips (I always thought it was odd that all the hearts/diamonds for the number cards were all red but the court cards would only be red on the pips). But, the Black Ghost deck is pretty much my ideal design for a deck.
I know I'll meet a boatload of negative comments, considering as this is a generally anti-Ellusionist place, but I would describe them as amazing without thinking twice. I think the shading and shadows separate them completely from the Tigers and Black Ghosts (and as a BG owner, I would know it; they look different).

And that Joker? Oh-my-god-beautiful. In my opinion the coolest Joker ever put onto playing cards.

Again, just my opinion.

I know I'll meet a boatload of negative comments, considering as this is a generally anti-Ellusionist place, but I would describe them as amazing without thinking twice. I think the shading and shadows separate them completely from the Tigers and Black Ghosts (and as a BG owner, I would know it; they look different).

And that Joker? Oh-my-god-beautiful. In my opinion the coolest Joker ever put onto playing cards.

Again, just my opinion.

WOw that's good I figured many would be upset about the black ghosts being releaesed and everything but they look great in my opinion both decks. Can;t wait to thanksgiving, Bros comin home from college, AND shadow masters
What a double play
I know that line is somewhat cheesy
Sep 1, 2007
I'll give two insites on this deck: Thats one badass joker. And I can only find a handful of differences between these and bgs. I can't imagine the bgs doing well compared to these. I mean one, that joker is awesome, two their like 5 bucks cheaper. Who would buy a deck for 8 bucks? Not me. Unless they were jerrys.
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
It's almost impossible to say that this is a bad deck of cards. 1 look at them and I almost fainted. I cannot wait for the release date. I think I'm going to order 12.

There's only 1 word that comes to mind after seeing them. . . . Intimidation.

This deck is so badass.
Sep 2, 2007
Tampa Florida
the joker looks gothic and weird. does ellusionist think that the only people that peform magic are weird goth geek kids no.

But at least i will be able to spot the e clones at the conventions

i think the second edition guardians will be better

Sep 25, 2007
the joker looks gothic and weird. does ellusionist think that the only people that peform magic are weird goth geek kids no.

But at least i will be able to spot the e clones at the conventions

i think the second edition guardians will be better


Oct 17, 2007
Just want to say -- I have wanted a black ghost from the second I knew it existed. These are amazing, almost better than the black ghosts in my opinion! The only thing I would want is a ghost ace included too, but that masters ace is kick ***. Also, I agree with the people anti goth here-- the whole grim reaper ace is cool, especially with the reveal, but I like a... jollier joker, like the ghost joker. Anyway, I hear they're gonna be out by thanksgiving... this is what I hear cause I can't find the link on the site?!?!?!?!! Did I miss something?!?!

If you take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive.
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
the joker looks gothic and weird. does ellusionist think that the only people that peform magic are weird goth geek kids no.

But at least i will be able to spot the e clones at the conventions

i think the second edition guardians will be better


Hence the word "Shadow", meaning dark.
And no, you don't have to be goth to use these because I am an E fan and not a goth. (As well as a T11 fan)
The idea of a skeleton for a joker is just cool. Plain and simple.


and btw i was an E-hater

I knew that would happen. . . lol
I remember when T11 was just put out, and members on E would leave making a big deal about it by making a thread and cursing out of their mind, saying how their leaving ad switching to T11.
I'm not saying you did this, because I don't have any evidence.
I just think it's funny how people go for the next best thing.

I guess people's trusts can be bought.
the joker looks gothic and weird. does ellusionist think that the only people that peform magic are weird goth geek kids no.

But at least i will be able to spot the e clones at the conventions

i think the second edition guardians will be better

You make me laugh.

Anyway, I'm with you guys. This is one bad ass deck of cards. I can easily see this being E's most successful deck. I mean, look at that joker!!

On a sidenote, I can't see the Black Ghosts doing well in comparison to this. These are about one thousand times cooler, and they're cheaper, too!
Sep 2, 2007
Tampa Florida
I wonder what laymen will say when they see these cards whipped out in a peformance they will scream gaff alert!

there just way to dark everytime i see them i just see a magician looking like the fat guy from the butterfly effect peforming magic.

but each to his own

on a side note if i se you at a convention with these puppies imma roast yo ass lol
If you don't introduce them correctly then yes, your spectators will actually start to run away screaming "GAFF ALERT! GAFF ALERT!". It's happened to me before. Not a pretty sight.

I kid. If you don't want to perform with your customs, it's your choice and I respect that. Just be sure to tell me which conventions you'll be attending in the near future :D

And by the way, I just cleverly Photoshopped the Shadow Master joker into my current desktop design. I love it. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE it.
Sep 1, 2007
I thought they looked pretty cool, the joker looks sick, i don't care if there are ppl here that think they're gothic. The masters ace in blacks alright I guess, I was hoping for a little more creativity.
Aug 31, 2007
Wow, the first, and last, custom deck I bought was a black tiger, and that was just because someone had a bunch and I was there at the time, and they were first edition and all.

Otherwise, outside of an interest in the Guardian's, I never had any interest in any of the "special" decks.

But THESE look quite nice. Also, Masters are different, although I also haven't bought one, they, imo, are a bit different than the other "custom" decks, as they are more of a quality thing only.
Sep 25, 2007
I wonder what laymen will say when they see these cards whipped out in a peformance they will scream gaff alert!

there just way to dark everytime i see them i just see a magician looking like the fat guy from the butterfly effect peforming magic.

but each to his own

on a side note if i se you at a convention with these puppies imma roast yo ass lol

And this wouldn't happen with the guardians? Dude, your a hater sippin' on that hater-aid.

You would roast someone in public for using a deck you don't like? hmmm pretty sure that make you a jerk. I hope some day you learn a valuable lesson that way.
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