Skywalker Leviation...?

Aug 31, 2007
Well, I have been searching the internet for some good levitations, and I stumbled across Skywalker Levitation. I have looked at it and watched videos, but I want to know if it is worth it?

Thanks a lot,

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
I don't own it personally, but every single review that I've read is positive. There is a gimmick that you will need to make yourself, but the booklet features detailed instructions on how to do so. It is angle sensitive, but so is any levitation.
I would say go for it, because it's cheap and everyone who owns it loves it.
Aug 31, 2007
I don't own it personally, but every single review that I've read is positive. There is a gimmick that you will need to make yourself, but the booklet features detailed instructions on how to do so. It is angle sensitive, but so is any levitation.
I would say go for it, because it's cheap and everyone who owns it loves it.

Thanks a lot! I will buy it now, Thanks for the input.

Aug 31, 2007
ok, angles do matter, but it is probably the least angle sensitive levitation i know of that doesn't involve a hydrolic pump, cost $1600 and look like crap.

I also read a review on E. It said you need to build the mechanism that causes you to rise. I know that is can be expensive, but if you go to Wal-mart or discount stores, it can be cheap. But, is the mechanism hard to build, because I'm not very too good at building things(Except on games, where I am pretty good :D ).

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