Soda trick...


May 14, 2011
Soda trick/contest


I recently came up with a method to empty/switch the contents of a regular soda can without opening it.
I'm planning to release it as a trick on The Wire, but the problem is that I don't have any good presentation/trick for it...

So my question to you all is if you could make up a trick using a empty soda can or/and a trick where you could use a soda can with the "wrong" contents.

The most clever idea written on this thread in one week will get a free download of this method when it's done :D

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Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
If you're at a restaurant, you could grab a glass and explain that you mistakenly grabbed this soda instead of your favorite. Ask the audience what their favorite soda is, and have them name several. Make the soda you are going to switch to be a popular one that people will think of a good majority of the time. Open the wrong soda, and pour a little bit of it out. Say "I really wish this was (insert name of selected soda)." Do whatever dirty work you have to do as you have conversation, and then show that the soda that was originally in the can has now changed to their "selected" soda. Hope this somewhat helps get you started! It uses a very basic magicians force that I'm sure will help you kick start more ideas.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
There is also a neat force you could do with a pen/marker and some napkins from a restaurant table. Ask the people at the table what the popular sodas are, and on each napkin under cover of your hand, you are going to write the same soda (the one you are going to switch to), once each on each napkin. After you write the name of the soda on each napkin, you can ball it up and place it in the middle of the table. You are going to go through this process until they finally name the soda you want, or if they say it among the first keep going to make sure it's completely random.

At this point you should have every napkin say the same soda, but they won't know it because they are all balled up on the table. Ask one of them to select any napkin and unfold it to reveal a soda.
May 21, 2011
Bedford, England
This is just an idea but once the can is 'open' place a coin of your choosing into the can with the liquid still inside (liquid matching the can of course) Also, sign that coin on both sides with your initials.

To perform, you borrow a coin from the spectator and have them sign one side and you sign the other. Of course, borrow a coin that matches the value of your 'prepped can' coin. Now perform Sinful by Wayne Houchin to give the impression that the coin has penetrated the can. Pour out the contents into a glass allowing the coin to stay behind so you can rattle the can around to add emphasis on the coin. When you tip it out, it will of course show your initials (don't flash the other side) so you say "Remember i signed one side and you signed the other. If this is the same coin, those should be my initials and on the other side.... your initials!" As you say this you perform a shuttle pass / false transfer of some sort to switch out the coins. Then let them examine the coin and if possible, examine the can.

Not sure if it would work in a real life setting but it's just an idea. Maybe you can come up with something better methodology wise. :D


May 14, 2011
You are not able to put an object into the can with my method... But it would be a nice idea :D


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Nice idea.
I was thinking you could have them think of a drink (aka force the drink in the can). Have them think about it and say you knew exactly what they were going to choose, and so you brought them a can of it (reveal can). Act disappointed that you were wrong. Give the can to them to take anyway, and walk away.

If the can cannot be handed out (which I'm guessing is true), then in your frustration of being wrong, pull out a blank label and a marker and write the drink they were thinking of, stick it on the can, and act satisfied and confident. Tell them to open it and see.


May 14, 2011
Nice idea.
I was thinking you could have them think of a drink (aka force the drink in the can). Have them think about it and say you knew exactly what they were going to choose, and so you brought them a can of it (reveal can). Act disappointed that you were wrong. Give the can to them to take anyway, and walk away.

If the can cannot be handed out (which I'm guessing is true), then in your frustration of being wrong, pull out a blank label and a marker and write the drink they were thinking of, stick it on the can, and act satisfied and confident. Tell them to open it and see.

You can actually hand it out directly for them to open it :D Thanks for the idea!!
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May 14, 2011
Thank you all for the ideas!! I will start recording the tutorial next Friday so it's not to late to take part in this little "contest"
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Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
For a stage or platform effect I would have a plexi-glass box at either side of the stage and a table at the center with about 6 different colored cans of pop. I would talk about teleportation, Wanka vision, brain switching, or Freaky Friday, and I would put rabbit ears or sunglasses on each of my spectators and explain that these are teleportation devices. I would use magician's choice to force a can of Lemon Lime soda and a can of Root Beer. I would place the 2 chosen cans in the hands of the participants at different sides of the stage and explain that they would teleport to each others hands. After some cool music, dramatic lighting and/or mystical dancing, seemingly nothing would happen. I would then pull out some transparent glasses and pour out the mismatched drinks. I'd hand out the other 4 cans as well.


May 14, 2011
For a stage or platform effect I would have a plexi-glass box at either side of the stage and a table at the center with about 6 different colored cans of pop. I would talk about teleportation, Wanka vision, brain switching, or Freaky Friday, and I would put rabbit ears or sunglasses on each of my spectators and explain that these are teleportation devices. I would use magician's choice to force a can of Lemon Lime soda and a can of Root Beer. I would place the 2 chosen cans in the hands of the participants at different sides of the stage and explain that they would teleport to each others hands. After some cool music, dramatic lighting and/or mystical dancing, seemingly nothing would happen. I would then pull out some transparent glasses and pour out the mismatched drinks. I'd hand out the other 4 cans as well.

I will have that in my mind :D


May 14, 2011
I have decited that all of you will get a free copy of the download when it's done, and your name will be written in the credits at the end of the tutorial :D I will send you a message when the tutorial is done, so that you can get your "price" :)
Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
A nice idea might be to switch the contents of two coda cans (Say coke and sprite) and then present the effect as a sort of transposition. A method has came to mind to do a visual transposition of the two cans, and then a more implicit transpo of the actual drinks themselves. Have two spectators open the cans and pour them into glasses to show the change.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
I'm not really sure if this would work but it would be neeat to perform fizzmaster and then show that not only the fizz but the actually contents have changed places


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
This effect is already out there. I saw it live at MagiFest 2 years ago. I'll try to track down the creator as well. I vaguely remember the magician taking out a can of Sprite but then popping the top and pouring out coke or orange crush. Man....I know that is not much help but I'll see what I can look up.

This link shows how to reseal "somewhat" the can.

This was not what I saw but this can is available as well right now.


May 14, 2011
This effect is already out there. I saw it live at MagiFest 2 years ago. I'll try to track down the creator as well. I vaguely remember the magician taking out a can of Sprite but then popping the top and pouring out coke or orange crush. Man....I know that is not much help but I'll see what I can look up.

This link shows how to reseal "somewhat" the can.

This was not what I saw but this can is available as well right now.

That is NOT the method I'm doing. With my method you're not opening the can :D
Ps. The second link didn't work


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH

Try this one. It is the same product.

B & F , I am just throwing out things that I have seen or heard of. Your method might be completely new. I am not sure. I just know that the effect of changing liquids in cans is not a new one and that I have seen it done with sealed cans, cracked open and then different liquid pour out. I wish I could remember who performed it at Magifest in Ohio because it was a pretty good routine. I vaguely remember him changing the label on the can as well from one thing to another.

I would keep persuing it and see what you can dig up. It definitely sounds like a good commercial effect.
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