Steve here....

Hey all. Just thought I'd introduce myself as well.

My name's Steve Simmons, I'm 17 years old. I like blondes and brunette's, and long walks on the beach. Slipping into the hot tub and just getting- Oh, nevermind. Wrong forum. LOL!

Actually, a bit of serious info. I've been into magic for about 10 years, and am currently the House Magician @ Red Robin. I perform pretty often, and that includes in a restaurant and private parties as well.

If I can be of assistance you any of you, feel free to shoot me a PM. You can also check out my site at for more info.

Sep 1, 2007
Hey man, it's nice to see that you've made your way over here too. This site's shaping up pretty nicely....
Sep 1, 2007
My name's Steve Simmons, I'm 17 years old. I like blondes and brunette's, and long walks on the beach. Slipping into the hot tub and just getting- Oh, nevermind. Wrong forum. LOL!

Hahahaha, a funny guy i see! haha nice to meet you. I'm Spencer.
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