Systematic Cutting To Control

Jan 26, 2017
So a while back, I started messing around with an idea to have a deck in New Deck Order or a stack and use a system of crimps, cuts, and sleights to get to any card. This has had many uses, but I want to know if something similar has existed and where I can find it. I'm sure I'm not the first person to use it, and would really like to read up on it and see how the ideas differ.


Elite Member
Jul 25, 2015
Memorized deck books are full of methods on how to get to any card in the stack. Mnemonica (or Aronson) is likely the place to start. Memorandum (Aragon) has a section on using a crimped card, but generally refers the reader to Mnemonica for discussions of technique. For a more lengthy discussion see "The Open Index" in Simply Simon by Simon Aronson. There is a short section on "Tools for the Arranged Pack" which can be found in Temporarily Out of Order by Redford. And Pit Hartling discusses "Cutting a Card to the Top" in his most excellent book In Order to Amaze. As a related note, this is also commonly discussed in ACAANs. These are likely the places to look. I do not recall if any of these discuss any systems utilizing more than one crimped/gaffed card, but I don't thinks so. At least not like what it sounds like you are describing.
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Elite Member
Jul 25, 2015
It is buried in the middle of the description of a trick, but there is something more along theses lines with multiple crimped/gaffed cards on page 142 of Redford's Temporarily Out of Order.
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