The best linking ring routine you have ever seen!


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
That was freaking awesome!..
I thought you were going to pass the ring into the bottle lol.
That was super entertaining!!
.....that was true to the title, sir. You are truly a credit to your art.

I've seen your posts performing these effects in piecemeal but you have really done a great job putting them all together.
WOW!! I'll admit it that was in fact WAAAY better than Paul Danniels Fism 1988 linking rings (my favorite previously linking rings routine)

And I really love your usage of the thumb removing trick. Especially because we were just talking about it on another thread.

Wow you guys rock! Thanks so much for the love! :) and oooooo which thread? :)
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Antonio Diavolo

Elite Member
Jan 2, 2016
sorry for the somewhat arrogant sounding title. Lol however I do stand behind it 100%! I have been working on this routine for over 8 years and can finally say I think I have it where I want it. Please enjoy. As always, comments and suggestions are welcome! I’m always looking to improve where necessary!

Yours is one of the few linking ring routines (That I've seen) I genuinely enjoy, to be honest haha.
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May 28, 2018
Saint Louis, MO
That's beautiful Daniel. A set of rings is next up on my list of purchases. Never touched em before but looking forward to spending hours dropping them on the floor.
Oct 19, 2015
sorry for the somewhat arrogant sounding title. Lol however I do stand behind it 100%! I have been working on this routine for over 8 years and can finally say I think I have it where I want it. Please enjoy. As always, comments and suggestions are welcome! I’m always looking to improve where necessary!

Amazing Mr. O'Brien...I don't see how anyone watching that Professional Performance of Linking Rings, could ever call them boring! Great Magicians can take the simplest trick and turn it into something you demonstrated! Thanks for sharing...
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Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
Thank you again so much for the kind words! I have just a few more videos slowly coming out on this topic, then I will more or less be putting this thread to bed haha.

A few of you have asked me about how i do my barblade spinning. I wasnt going to release a barblade spinning tutorial, but since some people asked, I made it anyway haha. It isnt a magic effect so I have problem “exposing it” on a public forum. I was actually disappointed to learn there are hardly any videos teaching barblade spinning at all. So i made up my own little flourish haha.

Maybe either a fun little party trick to show your friends, or a great addition to your set if you are doing bar magic. :)

Jun 18, 2017
Awesome stuff. A prop I've not seen used since I was a kid, used in a logical and wonderful way. Well done!
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