One of the most famous uses of sleight of hand is the double lift, but there are several ways to use it. Can you explain what is the best way to use it during performance where it can easily be executed.
I understand that, I'm asking a way to do a double lift, whether you riffle the deck and leave a pinky break, or do a pinky count. As well as which one looks well exectued during performance whether the ambitious card trick or any other card trickBest is too broad of a term, personally I use it for several tricks, it is just a utility, you need to find out how to use it in the context of a trick.
You can do it pretty much however you want as long as it's smooth and natural.
Yes, this is very accurate. I have in fact started doing a picky count and push off for single liftsThe best way to turn over a double lift is identical to the way you turn over a single card. A huge mistake a lot of us make is making our double lifts look WAY DIFFERENT than our single lifts. When I watch a good magician execute a double, I should not be able to tell the difference between their double lift and their single lift.
There are two ways to achieve this.
1. Learn how to perform your DL the same way you would turn over a single card.
2. Start turning over single card to match the way you turn over your DL
hope this helps!
Great advice, haha but sidenote.... I totally read yuour name as "Eric Bishoff" and I though "since when does the former WCW CEO do magic?" lol