What are the top ten Close Up Illusions?

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May 3, 2016
Greetings all..!!! Ive been a fan of magic for over 15 years now, as hobby for 11 year and the rest as a semi pro close up magician. My specialty is close up and im pretty damn good at presentation. Sleight of hand is about 6.5 / 10 rating I guess.

My question is what would you rate as the the top ten close up illusions..?? I know all of you will say "it depends on the audience, performer, presentation, situation, etc. etc." but im asking in terms of overall effect, reactions, repeatable. Im looking to invest in some illusions and I would like to know what the best are.

Just as an example of what I think are great close up illusions are Levitation / animations (loops, ITR, Spider pen by Yigel Messika etc) card effects (close up monte, french kiss, colour changes, biddle trick etc) TnR effects, close up mentalism and few more

Thanks in advance
Apr 7, 2016
I don't know if I can pick only ten, but my personal favorite for a mind blowing closeup illusion would have to be between Out of Sight by Joshua Jay for card and of course Loop's for levitation.
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I'm a card guy through and through. I could list all my favourite card routines here, but quite frankly the responses I have received from my card tricks pale in comparison to the reactions I have received from the one non-card trick I do...

..Crazy Man's Handcuffs.

Everyday objects, examinable before and after, repeatable, can be done in the spectator's hand, fairly easy to do, can be done with patter or in silence...what's not to like!?

I know you already said that you were just looking for ten tricks that have good effects but I feel I need to throw out the disclaimer that these effects were particularly well with me. With that being said:
1. Pyro by Adam Wilber (if I can catch the audience by surprise it's killer)
2. Electric Touch+ by Yigal Mesika(endless possibilities, especially for my enchantment routines)
3. Angle Z by Daniel Madison (quite possibly the ultimate magic trick if done properly)
4. Chain Link Handcuff Escape (I have a great comedic routine I like to milk with this effect)
5. Spider Pen Pro by Yigal Mesika (pretty decent levitation device for very light-weight objects)
6. Invisible Deck (not really an illusion per say but still a lot of fun when getting an audience involved)
7. Camper (easiest, almost self-working transpo that I can think of)
8. Quantum Space by Calen Morelli (as much as I dislike the guy, I have to admit he created the best sharpie thru card)
9. Sleeper by Eoin O'Hare (great for when my gimmick doesn't break on me)
10. Invisible Card by Blake Vogt (really depends on how into it your audience gets)
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May 3, 2016
I don't know if I can pick only ten, but my personal favorite for a mind blowing closeup illusion would have to be between Out of Sight by Joshua Jay for card and of course Loop's for levitation.
Thanks James Kard. Im a big fan of Joshua Jay. I do one of his illusions called "Cornered" which is a ripped bill to wallet routine. Will check out the other one.

Thanks also for the list of ten items. will definetly check out the stuff.
May 3, 2016
I'm a card guy through and through. I could list all my favourite card routines here, but quite frankly the responses I have received from my card tricks pale in comparison to the reactions I have received from the one non-card trick I do...

..Crazy Man's Handcuffs.

Everyday objects, examinable before and after, repeatable, can be done in the spectator's hand, fairly easy to do, can be done with patter or in silence...what's not to like!?

Totally agree with you Rev. I do the crazy mans handcuff all the time... I have pretty neat patter I use along with and gets pretty good reactions... Thanks for the suggestion
May 3, 2016
I don't have much time to make a list of ten, but some of my favorites are Counterfeit by Wayne Houchin, Angle Z by Daniel Madison, and Gone Deck by Shin Lim.
Awesome AmberGraci. Big fan of Wayne Houchin, I do Counterfeit all the time and it manages to silence even the biggest critic. Angle Z and Gone Deck will check it out. Thanks for the suggestions mate..!!!
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Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
I don't have a list for top ten ever!, but I can at the very least give you a list of the top ten effects I perform at my venues that are a MUST for me to bring to any gig.

In no particular order:
-"Ninja Rings" by Shoot Ogawa
-"Ninja Plus" by Matthew Garrett
-"Ambitious Ink" by Michael O'Brien
-"Sponge balls" by (me I guess? I kind of make it ups as I go depending on the event lol)
-"Pressure" by Daniel Garcia (using a borrowed phone with the video recording).
-"Extreme Burn" by Richard Sanders (usually combined with fire wallet)
-"Card to Poket" (Pokémon Version with card to Pokeball) by Michael O'Brien
-"Hatline Prediction" by Michael O'Brien
-"Tour de Force" by Michael O'Brien
-"Chicago Closer" (w/ Switcheroo gimmick) by Michael O'Brien

As you can see, a mix of original material and other stuff. I perform these effects most of all and would say that my list could go on and on. Ten is a hard number to shrink it down to lol
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Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
I love using props. Namely Tenyo Magic. I think they are an interesting challenge in making cohesive routines around. While I have only performed ONCE for those outside of friends and family. For context, I am in the process of making a kids show. Here's what I have that goes well from where I'm standing right now:

- Cubio/SuperCubio

- Magical Sneakers

- Shrinking Pen

- Illusion Truck

- Mickey Miracle Ring
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May 3, 2016
I'm a card guy through and through. I could list all my favourite card routines here, but quite frankly the responses I have received from my card tricks pale in comparison to the reactions I have received from the one non-card trick I do...

..Crazy Man's Handcuffs.

Everyday objects, examinable before and after, repeatable, can be done in the spectator's hand, fairly easy to do, can be done with patter or in silence...what's not to like!?


My crazy man's handcuffs... Let me know what u think...

May 3, 2016
I love using props. Namely Tenyo Magic. I think they are an interesting challenge in making cohesive routines around. While I have only performed ONCE for those outside of friends and family. For context, I am in the process of making a kids show. Here's what I have that goes well from where I'm standing right now:

- Cubio/SuperCubio

- Magical Sneakers

- Shrinking Pen

- Illusion Truck

- Mickey Miracle Ring

Nice... will check these effects out... appreciate the suggestions....
May 3, 2016
I don't have a list for top ten ever!, but I can at the very least give you a list of the top ten effects I perform at my venues that are a MUST for me to bring to any gig.

In no particular order:
-"Ninja Rings" by Shoot Ogawa
-"Ninja Plus" by Matthew Garrett
-"Ambitious Ink" by Michael O'Brien
-"Sponge balls" by (me I guess? I kind of make it ups as I go depending on the event lol)
-"Pressure" by Daniel Garcia (using a borrowed phone with the video recording).
-"Extreme Burn" by Richard Sanders (usually combined with fire wallet)
-"Card to Poket" (Pokémon Version with card to Pokeball) by Michael O'Brien
-"Hatline Prediction" by Michael O'Brien
-"Tour de Force" by Michael O'Brien
-"Chicago Closer" (w/ Switcheroo gimmick) by Michael O'Brien

As you can see, a mix of original material and other stuff. I perform these effects most of all and would say that my list could go on and on. Ten is a hard number to shrink it down to lol

Your more than welcome to keep going. I love your idea of using the video camera for Pressure... Can I use that Idea..???

I have brilliant "Card to any wallet" routine using an ingenious little prop (not too expensive (http://www.thekayloroption.com/) Use the same thing to start off an Ambitious Card Routine as well (get the spectator to shuffle the deck).

I have been meaning to get "Extreme Burn" but its out of stock from where I'm looking.

I will definitely try out the other options you have given.

Thanks again for the suggestions...!!!


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
Your more than welcome to keep going. I love your idea of using the video camera for Pressure... Can I use that Idea..???

I have brilliant "Card to any wallet" routine using an ingenious little prop (not too expensive (http://www.thekayloroption.com/) Use the same thing to start off an Ambitious Card Routine as well (get the spectator to shuffle the deck).

I have been meaning to get "Extreme Burn" but its out of stock from where I'm looking.

I will definitely try out the other options you have given.

Thanks again for the suggestions...!!!

My pleasure!

The pressure thing isn't exactly an original idea, so please feel free to use it! Some tips when doing it: 1. Set the camera to selfie video mode. 2. I like to do a little intro to the camera with my name and then spin around so I can get the audience in the background (they will cheer and stuff usually which will make the video look even better.) 3. hold the phone screen facing you in selfie mode so you can see what you are doing haha and so the camera isn't looking at your hand or the floor. 4. I like to waive my hand in front of the camera so they can kinda see it through the balloon (this will make the fact that it is inside the balloon stronger when they re watch it.). 5. after you are finished with the effect and give the phone back, ask them to share the video with their friends. This is a great way to market yourself without having to do much else other than perform haha. They have a great video too keep as a souvenir and you have a fun effect and free promotion.

As for extreme burn. There are a bunch of alternatives and bill changes you can perform instead if you are having trouble tracking it down. There is: hundy 500, holdout 500, extortion, greed, bill switch, slow burn, etc.

Hope any of this helps!
My pleasure!

As for extreme burn. There are a bunch of alternatives and bill changes you can perform instead if you are having trouble tracking it down. There is: hundy 500, holdout 500, extortion, greed, bill switch, slow burn, etc.

Hope any of this helps!
I have Prophet and I had a discussion with Ekaterina about which bill change is the best and she preferred Extreme Burn 2.0 over Prophet. I was wondering if you could give me your opinion on Prophet and the pros and cons between Extreme Burn and Prophet?


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
I only perform extreme burn tbh. It is an amazing bill change, but just like anything it has it's pros and cons. It all depends on persona style. The think I like about EB is that it is easy to use and doesn't really involve any sleights. Just takes a bit of practice to get used to the gimmick.
I only perform extreme burn tbh. It is an amazing bill change, but just like anything it has it's pros and cons. It all depends on persona style. The think I like about EB is that it is easy to use and doesn't really involve any sleights. Just takes a bit of practice to get used to the gimmick.
Thanks for your input. That's pretty much the same deal with Prophet. No sleight of hand just a tricky gimmick.
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Elite Member
Oct 6, 2009
Hamburg, Germany
I´m surprised that so far only obrien mentioned sponge balls.
The reaction you get from a simple sponge ball transposition into a spectators hand makes you feel guilty about the little effort that it takes you to create that effect. That also makes cards tricks a little frustrating at times: You perform something damn difficult an nobody could care less :-(
Sponge balls are a very good opener / ice breaker and are invalueable for strolling magic. They are quick, visual, intriguing, have audience participation, reset immediately and take little pocket space. Sponge balls are basically the definition of a "commercial trick".

For those speaking german I´d recommend Christian Knudsen´s routine "Schwamm drüber" from his book "Herzblut".
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Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
I´m surprised that so far only obrien mentioned sponge balls.
The reaction you get from a simple sponge ball transposition into a spectators hand makes you feel guilty about the little effort that it takes you to create that effect. That also makes cards tricks a little frustrating at times: You perform something damn difficult an nobody could care less :-(
Sponge balls are a very good opener / ice breaker and are invalueable for strolling magic. They are quick, visual, intriguing, have audience participation, reset immediately and take little pocket space. Sponge balls are basically the definition of a "commercial trick".

For those speaking german I´d recommend Christian Knudsen´s routine "Schwamm drüber" from his book "Herzblut".

LOL agreed. This is also why it is important to balance your card effects and make them as simple to perform as well. The more difficult it looks, the less "magical" it looks.
May 3, 2016
I´m surprised that so far only obrien mentioned sponge balls.
The reaction you get from a simple sponge ball transposition into a spectators hand makes you feel guilty about the little effort that it takes you to create that effect. That also makes cards tricks a little frustrating at times: You perform something damn difficult an nobody could care less :-(
Sponge balls are a very good opener / ice breaker and are invalueable for strolling magic. They are quick, visual, intriguing, have audience participation, reset immediately and take little pocket space. Sponge balls are basically the definition of a "commercial trick".

For those speaking german I´d recommend Christian Knudsen´s routine "Schwamm drüber" from his book "Herzblut".

Sponge balls is an awesome effect. Its in fact one of the first effects ever learned. I couldn't afford actual sponge balls since i was just a kid. So I used to cut little pieces off a sponge and carry it around with me. Now I do the same effect leaves from a tree. When I'm out performing resounded by nature and some one asks me to do something, I always perform this with tree leaves. I'm always ready with a few extra leaves in my pocket to do the multiplying leaves kicker ending. It always gets really good reactions. I haven't done it a long time and so thank you for reminding me of it.

I do a lot of card effects. Again cards are the first effects I ever learned. I excel in my presentation, where I do relatively simple card effects with good story telling and presentation. That gets really good reactions. A few of my effects are an Ambitious Card effect with only 3 strong phases with personalizing it by changing my patter according to the card they pick, and they can look through the deck and pick their favorite card. (Eg; for Ace of spades I would I would say that it's also MY favorite card and talk a bit about Motorhead. My business card is an Ace of spades playing card with my info on it with my own creative design. So I later give my business card and say "I told you the Ace of Spades is my favorite card" I have good presentation for the queen as well.)

Thanks again for reminding to do "Sponge Ball" routine with the Tree Leaves.

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