Uses for Mnemonica stack

Aug 28, 2017
Hi! This is my first post so it might be bad... Anyways i was wondering what the uses for mnemonica are. And before you say WELL JUST BUY THE BOOK! i cant i really cant. I Live in turkey and there are NO magic shops even online. "So well then just buy from us shops you dummy" no just no. If i try to Shop from penguin guess what. Shipment is 3x more expensive than the deck itself. So yeah no books, no cds. Thats why i came here to ask that question. Any help would be appreeciated


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Mnemonica is not a small book. Aside from the obvious of "It allows you to know the position of every card in the deck" - it's not like we can just list out what it teaches. It would make no sense unless you actually read the book.
Jan 26, 2017
You could probably find an ebook online...

Did you check ?

Or any other online library?

Also, check out eBay and Amazon, maybe someone is selling it close to you. There is also
Which is europe' s biggest magic shop. They ship everywhere.

Keep looking, I'm sure you can find it.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Necessity is the mother of invention. You know the capabilities of a memorized deck, so develop your own effects.

I have a lot of friends in places where it is difficult to ship magic books. The solution is to purchase in bulk and ship via U.S. Priority Mail. A medium box will fit 10 or more books for $66 shipped to Turkey. If you figure each book is $50, that is a little over 10% of the cost. You could probably fit a bunch of decks in there too and still be under the 20 pound limit. Essentially, you do several years worth of purchases at once.

There are a lot of magic shops in the UK (Davenports, Prop Dog, etc.) that ship worldwide, potentially with less cost than the U.S.
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