When Should We "Clean Up?"

Nov 13, 2009
Hey Guys,

I want to discuss something that I think is really important! What i want to discuss is when to clean up after performing an effect where you end with something to get rid off. I am inclined to clean up as soon as possible. For example if I am performing bite out of quarter I borrow the quarter switch it for the gimicked one, bite it and restore it, and as soon as I switch it back and hand it out for examination I imediatly pocket the gimicked quarter.

My question is, is this a good thing? And when is the best time to clean up and effect? Should we,

A. Clean up as soon as possible so that well the specators are still baffled by the effect they are misdirected and you can clean up.

B. Finish the effect wait until an off beat moment then clean up the only problem is the specator might ask to examine the deck or see your hand and then your in trouble.

So what do you guys think? When is the best time to clean up after performing an effect where you have something to get rid of?

Thanks for the help,

Sep 6, 2009
I've tried both, generally waiting for an off-beat moment is best. After you've done a frickin miracle, people shouldn't be worrying about your hands. They should be worrying whether or not you're the 666.
Sep 17, 2008
I usually do it on an off beat/guard moment. Something that happens very natural in magic, especially after just performing a trick. Usually not ASAP - but some tricks require you to HAVE to do that.
Sep 12, 2007
Normandy, FRANCE
If possible, I use the misdirection provided by the audience's amazement to get rid of the "things that are not meant to be seen". (for instance I get rid of my Thumbtip when they examine the bill that used to be a piece of blank paper)
Jan 26, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
I would say it depends on the effect, and your audience. Many times, the misdirection of the reaction/examining of returned items allows you to ditch right away. Other times, immediately "heading south" to ditch a gimmick in your pocket would raise suspicions. So be aware of your situations. Also, you could try out both methods, and see which one seems to work best for you.



forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I agree with houchini and magicman1999. Nine times out of ten I use the off beat of the audiences reaction. But...certain effects call for the clean up a little sooner and others you can do the clean up 30 seconds after the effect while going to your pocket to get a pen, dollar, etc.
Mar 29, 2008
This is a good question - many answers have been talked about. The ones that surprise me are the ones that state to ditch it when nobody is looking, that is like saying - do the top change when nobody is looking...not great direction. Anyhow, many great answers, here are my experiences and thoughts.

I know many guys that hold out as long as they can – I have seen guys do card tricks with coins palmed from the last effect, to later ditch it on the replacement of the box to their pocket. I know some guys that will stay dirty for as long as they can, because to a pro...we all know that when the hand dips...and there is NO reason for it to dip, that something was stolen or gotten rid of. We may not know what...but we know it!

AND – perhaps because of this:


Maybe so do audiences.

But, I think with audiences, it is simple logic. Think of your pocket as a curtain...if a guy was dipping in and out of a curtain...you would start to ask what is going on back there?! Clean up does not often happen on the impact of the effect, actually, that is the time to look the cleanest, as far as I am concerned...even if you are as dirty as mud! People will start to ask “how soon after” and the ditch lets them off the hook, but if you remain confident...and they see you aren’t trying to “get rid of anything”, it will kill them more, as they themselves remove that as an out. I think sometimes we stop trying to outthink people once the effect is over...the show starts before a card is selected, and does not end because it is found.

I think going to your pockets for no reason at ANY time, even during the reaction, creates a subliminal tell. I was at a show recently a guy got accused of “trickery” because he reached with both hands behind his back to pull down his vest that was riding up. He really was just straightening his clothing...but he was called on it...and yes, it was after the trick, right after impact, at a larger formal show. I digress, so by going to your pockets, you have created an out for an observant participant. Now, certainly not all will question your hand dip, but again...for those that have read me, I don’t want to fool the easy ones. I want to fool the guy that thinks – you know what, the only way that torn and restored card could be done is if there are other pieces of card!? I believe, through testing times to ditch in my own career, that if the ditch is not motivated and/or (yep, and/or) done too soon...it can and will create suspicion. Using proper motivation, nobody remembers or questions you “putting your hands away” but if you go in and out for no reason, they will. If you go south too quick, they will. If they suspect a method in the effect, and you say, “well, how can that be”? They will say – it is in your pocket. Then what? Are you going to argue it is not, when it is, and the reason they thought that is because they saw you go there? Really, this is an awkward conversation that can be avoided by holding out longer or finding the right moment to ditch naturally and unrushed, as a few have mentioned (magicman_1999).

Too often as magicians we worry about being “dirty”, but really? Did anyone understand the concept of dirty or clean magic, before they were magicians? Sure, when creating a set, I don’t want to have to deal with the dirt (reset of stack, card reversed in middle, cards taped together) mid act...but if you can do your show and worry about the dirt later...do it. If you are palming the “evidence” and during the effect they were hid there, why do you think they can’t remain hidden for a bit longer? GUILT eats at us; it is why...I think we feel it is like the beating heart in the Tell-Tale-Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, it just drives us nuts so we want to confess or hide the evidence...when really, that same method got us to that point.

Now, I don’t think we need to hold out for long periods all the time, but I do think to be deceptive we have to understand our moments better...even create moments for ditching. This takes structure and thinking no your behalf – as well as an understanding of when the effect is over and people have stopped looking...NOT when they are distracted. As many know when they were purposely, even with a laugh, distracted...but when THEY themselves give up, it is far more deceptive a time.

I conclude with this – perhaps another slap in the face to those that defend coin magic. How can we worry about ditching something we hide in our hand, when we claim to vanish things and show our hands empty so well to create the idea OF empty hands?


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Well articulated^^

For me I really try to not do anything that leaves me dirty. Or try to ditch earlier than later. Because in my head, I feel that once the the spectator's brain starts trying to figure the effect out and backtrack it in their head, their thoughts will come to my hands eventually if not very soon.

The few that I do use that have a clean up is Torn, which I clean up when the card is being examined, and TT work, which in the opposite, I can leave on and not worry about getting caught - unless I make a silk vanish*- but anything else, and I'm safe.

*The silk vanishing people have seen on movies (Night at the Museum for example), or may have seen in a kids magic set before. So I try to clean up during the reaction in a "pat down" motion. Then if spectators think TT, by the time they look at my hands, there is nothing to see. (Here's a vid with me performing a TT vanish- I had to twist my body a bit because of the spectator on the side)
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