Where to buy specific double face playing cards

Aug 19, 2009
I'm looking for a couple fairly specific double faced playing cards, but I've had no luck finding them except through custom printing at around $8 a card. While I don't need specific cards such as 8 of spades / jack of hearts, I do need cards such as red spot / black face.

Any help is greatly appreciated as these cards are required for some new tricks I'm hoping to learn.
Definitely make your own by using rubber cement on the backs. This makes a little thicker card than the method in Expert Card Technique, but if it's a double facer, laypeople probably won't be handling it. Buy some Bikes for cheap here or buy some Studs cheap at Walgreens. You can get rubber cement at any craft store or office supply store.
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Aug 19, 2009
I do own the Expert Card Technique book, though I hadn't yet reached that point in the book. It looks very interesting. I'll give it a try using some of the cheap bicycle standards (then, any successes can still be used in performance). :) For anyone who's done this before, how long / many cards did it take you to create these gaffs effectively?
May 15, 2010
With Gerard Way
I do own the Expert Card Technique book, though I hadn't yet reached that point in the book. It looks very interesting. I'll give it a try using some of the cheap bicycle standards (then, any successes can still be used in performance). :) For anyone who's done this before, how long / many cards did it take you to create these gaffs effectively?

My good friend has a little workshop up at my house for making gaffs. He just peeled the cards off the cardboard middle. There is basically a front cardboard and then a back. Just peel the front or back off and stick it to the other so you can have whatever faces you want. It is all in Expert Card Technique. All you need are the cards you want and rubber cement with a few big books like textbooks to flatten them.

Practice with cards you won't use first to get it down. Give it an hour of fiddling and you'll get it down. That way you get just what you want without really paying.

It just takes maybe 5 minutes to get the cards peeled perfect and then give them a few hours under the textbooks. It is quick and easy. You can do many at a time.

Also it is funny how the only thing my friend and I use our textbooks for is making gimmicked cards.
Well that is what they are made for anyways.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
The Art of Card Splitting is easy for some and a nightmare for others. I tried and had some success but finally decided it was better to just pay the money for what i needed. It saved a heck of a lot more time for me.

Is there something specific you are looking for? PM me. I have about 30 double facers sitting in my close up table right now and I'd be glad to see if I had anything you were looking for.
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Dec 6, 2016
I have been having the same issue that making them is too hard and tedious. I looked about for some but i could only find instances where i had to buy a full deck where there were no doubles. ex (two of spades & Jack of hearts x2). Any options out there?
Mar 29, 2017
The Art of Card Splitting is easy for some and a nightmare for others. I tried and had some success but finally decided it was better to just pay the money for what i needed. It saved a heck of a lot more time for me.

Is there something specific you are looking for? PM me. I have about 30 double facers sitting in my close up table right now and I'd be glad to see if I had anything you were looking for.
Hi Rick, Not sure how to PM you ..but I am looking for a double back Joker/Queen or Joker/Ace. I have many double backs as well but all are standard with the Joker/5...any help would be awesome!
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Jun 11, 2017
For me, I had that video the art of card splitting Rick mentioned. I was able to get them workable after a bit however I could see a better reason to just buy them as Rick said. It was fun to put them together though if you're arts and crafts sort.
Nov 16, 2017
Hi Rick, Not sure how to PM you ..but I am looking for a double back Joker/Queen or Joker/Ace. I have many double backs as well but all are standard with the Joker/5...any help would be awesome!
I too want a double face Joker/Ace for a monte routine ... I have same issue: my DF deck has Joker/5, ugh! Find the "5" somehow doesn't do it for me!

I went to the printbymagic UK site above. The price per card is not bad but that shipping (9.99 pounds flat rate to the states) is a killer to me. I hate paying shipping that is more than the order value! I'd settle for slow boat delivery.
This doesn't pertain to double face cards per se but when I first was learning the "Color Monte", I would take the Joker's of a deck and use my girls nail polish remover, and would take the Joker's off, and basically have a blank card. Just adding some information to this topic, lol. Ok.....
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Nov 16, 2017
This doesn't pertain to double face cards per se but when I first was learning the "Color Monte", I would take the Joker's of a deck and use my girls nail polish remover, and would take the Joker's off, and basically have a blank card. Just adding some information to this topic, lol. Ok.....

I need a missing Joker also -- one that still says "Joker" and has the $ corner pips but with the Bike King gone. I tried 0000 steel wool and must have rubbed too hard as the card was buckled when I was done. I think I'll try the acetone next or give the 0000 steel wool one last try and rub very lightly.

I found I have a blank back AH.... if I could find a printable Bicycle Joker image I could print it on the blank back.
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I need a missing Joker also -- one that still says "Joker" and has the $ corner pips but with the Bike King gone. I tried 0000 steel wool and must have rubbed too hard as the card was buckled when I was done. I think I'll try the acetone next or give the 0000 steel wool one last try and rub very lightly.

I found I have a blank back AH.... if I could find a printable Bicycle Joker image I could print it on the blank back.
Pwdennis, PM me I can help you out with that bud.
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