Why Mnemonica or Aaronson stack and not any random deck order?

Which is better?

  • Mnemonica

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • Aronson

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
Jan 6, 2021
I have recently heard about these stacks and deck orders but why are they so special, mnemonica can be arrived from new deck order but is there anything else?

Also is the book mnemonica good and what sort of things does it teach?



Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Both stacks are designed to appear random and to do certain effects. The book Mnenonica teaches how to learn the stack as well as a number of effects that can be performed with the stack. It is definitely worth getting.

You may be interested in reading this free PDF by Simon Aronson: Memories are Made of This
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Elite Member
Jul 25, 2015
One big advantage to not just using a random order is just that everyone can discuss the setups and different things that can be done with them, such as poker demonstrations. Don't worry too much about which of these 2 is better, they will each do similar things and generally whatever you need. I find the books best for teaching the potential of using a stack more so than the tricks specific to each stack (many tricks are of course stack independent). If you go with the Mnemonica stack the book Mnemonica has good info in it, if you choose to go Aaronson and wish to move beyond the PDF linked above I would start with Simply Simon.
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