Wire Uploading Problems

Aug 19, 2012
Hey guys, so since pretty much the beginning of this year i have been trying to upload tricks to the wire. I've tried multiple different tricks, i have tried re recording it all, i have tried changing the file type, but nothing seems to work. It just doesn't upload. Any ideas?


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Hey Benyeeah,

Sorry about that! Let us know exactly what happens when you hit "Upload and Submit" as well as what operating system and browser you are using. We recommend Google Chrome (www.google.com/chrome) the most, but Firefox and Safari are great too!
Aug 19, 2012
Okay well, i use Google Chrome with Windows 7, although I have tried Firefox and Internet Explorer. I have also tried Safari on an Apple mac. I have even tried converting the files into different types, mov, mp4, flv, wmv, but still nothing. Basically, say the file i was trying to upload was (for example) 20 mb. I click upload, choose the file, and it just sits there not doing a thing, saying it still has 20mb left. Here's a picture incase i didn't explain that very well! :)
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