
  1. Khaleel Olaiky

    How do you deal with audience challenging you?

    So I was performing at a birthday party a few days ago, a show for about 20 people, it was not a gig I was invited and decided to entertain the crowd. I was doing some routines, my go-to tricks, and then decided to perform the classic invisible deck routine and it went great but afterward, one...
  2. Gabriella J

    Who Wants To Take A Challenge?

    I want to see some people attempt this.... Come up with a trick that follows these guidelines: 1. No double/triple lifts 2. No key cards 3. No forces (Now remember you can still palm, do false cuts, as well as any other moves or sleights you want)
  3. N

    Color change videos

    Hey guys, I was wondering what would be some good starting points for learning color changes. I am wanting to learn how to do the following: 1.) Empty card to drawing on card 2.) Empty cards to regular playing cards 3.) Normal playing cards to empty blank cards. What would be a good place to...
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