
  1. explodingdreams

    david blaine mental card magic "guessing color of the next card" trick?

    another david blaine thread. im sorry.... but i stumbled upon this video of david blaine on youtube called discover magic (). at 29:25 he performs a trick where two girls in a casino or bar guess the color (black or red) of the top card. he turns it over. its the correct color. he does that...
  2. WindRiver

    Baduk (Analogous to Chess) Magic Trick

    Hello all, I'm new to magic and I would like to create a trick with a Go/Baduk board and stones. Does anyone have a suggestion of a trick for a newbie (and maybe where to learn it from)? Some ideas I have would be (Idk if they are possible): Guessing the sum of the stones, in the odds or evens...
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