orbit deck

  1. JoJoThePro

    At The Table - Chris 'Oribit' Brown

    On Youtube, there is an ad for Orbit Brown's At The Table Lecture: At The Table - Chris 'Oribit' Brown - YouTube First of all, what is the lecture about? Is it like a tutorial? Or is it like an interview? The trailer shows him doing a few tricks, but I am not sure if he will teach them, or if...
  2. Khaleel Olaiky

    A small request from the people who own an Orbit deck (4th edition)

    I need a high quality image for the back design or the back of the box of the 4th edition ORBIT deck (the black one), unfortunately I don't own one of these so if you do, I would really appreciate it if you could take a photo of it and send it for me. But, please make sure it's a high quality...
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