Aberdeen Thread Patter Suggestions

Mar 13, 2015
I have a stage performance coming up soon and I want to perform Aberdeen Thread. I feel that Aberdeen Thread can have patter used to teach a lesson or a moral. I really want the audience to leave with a new outlook or idea in their head. So I come to you fellow T11-ers in hopes of hearing your perspective or ideas. I'm searching for a meaningful story or something metaphoric to associate with the thread. If you have anything, I would greatly appreciate your input!


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Life can seem chaotic, unfair, challenging, or difficult, yet our perspective matters. It's those very challenges that wholly make us who we are. Once we can see that each of those events have shaped us, we can see how they actually don't break us, but weave together to form the tapestry of our lives.

Or broken relationships and how forgiveness can lead to reconciliation and restoration. In a relationship, many times we hurt the ones we love, and we don't choose to make things right. We keep ignoring the damage and soon find ourselves in a broken marriage, friendship, or relationship. It might seem daunting and unfixable. Unless you seek or offer forgiveness, with a dose of humility and grace, then even the most broken relationships can begin to be reconciled and trust can be rebuilt. Over time the relationship is like new and even stronger than before.


Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
I was going to suggest looking up Eugene Burgers presentation of Gypsy Thread but Justin's patter is as/or even more beautiful. I tried in a contest once to use the thread to illustrate my journey in magic and used the breaking of the thread to punctuate the most challenging moments in a magician's life.
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