Anatomical Handicap?

Feb 2, 2008
Do anatomical handicaps exist in Flourishing? or can any flourish be mastered
with practice....
eg/ length of nail "Long Distance Spinner) (as nammed by penguin) do people with longer nails stand a chance at doing this move w/o a TT?

eg/ i found my nail to by quite long to the base, so some pivot maneuvers have no choice but to touch the nail and slip off my finger also not helping i have "non-moist" fingers and lack double-jointed valleys that help some people prevent the cards from slipping.

So i guess the question is, do anatomical differences exist to the extent that hinders ones ability to flourish and can they be overcome?
Sep 1, 2007
Sydney, Australia
I learned the Long Distance Spinner by myself after seeing a performance on Decknique. Personally, I prefer short nails as I use the fleshy tip of my thumb instead of my nail.
Sep 1, 2007
I have these unusually massive pectoral muscles that used to get in the way of my armspread catches, I had to learn them a little differently because of that.

Basically almost any anatomical issue can be overcome by using bridge sized cards.
Apr 12, 2008
Aight, im an extreme noob, but for what it's worth practically every move ive tried to learn ive thought to myself "damn, my hands are too small" or something similiar, but a little practice always proves that wrong
Oct 12, 2007
certain anatomical differences can create issues. not everybodies hands are the same..what might work for a majority of people..may not work for other people.
my thumbs are a bit shorter than most people..which make thumb cuts an inpossibility for hands are normal size..but the actual length of my thumb and reach it has is limited. While i have heard time and time again from people..."oh, just gotta stretch your hands".....yeah, listen...i've been handling cards on and off for 15 years...i think i know when something isn't gonna work for me.

anyways..if you need more proof of an anatomical handicap...go ask rene levand to do simultaneous charliers.
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