Another one of my passes

Hi guys,

For those of you who've been here a while you know I've a bit of a thing for the Hermann Pass. Well I'm still exploring small subtleties and handlings for it and I've come accross this.

Please let me know what you guys think (praise, criticisims and put downs are all welcome) and let me know if anyone's iterested in any more of my work on the Hermann Pass. I have more variations - a cool new force I (and Sean :-D)just recently discovered (needs research) and some created effects utilizing these sleights.

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Ahh, I see what you did thar!

On a more serious note - the movement to square up the dribbled half and the movement of the pass action could probably be streamlined a bit more to look like one action rather than two. By the time you pull off the actual pass, it's too long after the squaring for the action to act as any real cover.
the movement to square up the dribbled half and the movement of the pass action could probably be streamlined a bit more to look like one action rather than two. By the time you pull off the actual pass, it's too long after the squaring for the action to act as any real cover.

I know what you mean and I know I lingered for 1 second too many before it was executed - the price I pay for performing with split spades lol. The idea is for the bottom packet not to be square at the front when halves are passed and the squaring action takes place the whole time.

But now I know that needs more work in that area - thanks.
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