Give 'em Some Credit

I have been seeing lately that some people have been commenting negatively on others videos. People have put in hard work, and long hours of practice (even if only accumulative!) in making these videos, so they should deserve some respect. Even if it needs work, you could at least comment on their practicing and skill in taking time to make the movie. Now, I know that there are those people that just post a video after they see a new trick preview, and that is different. Those are inexperienced and under practiced people who are not as dedicated as they should be. But for us, the people who really practice, we should take the time to comment on others skills. We know how much effort can go into an effect you see for 5 seconds, so just be nice on the video comments please, people deserve respect.
Sep 1, 2007
San Diego
I have been seeing lately that some people have been commenting negatively on others videos. People have put in hard work, and long hours of practice (even if only accumulative!) in making these videos, so they should deserve some respect. Even if it needs work, you could at least comment on their practicing and skill in taking time to make the movie. Now, I know that there are those people that just post a video after they see a new trick preview, and that is different. Those are inexperienced and under practiced people who are not as dedicated as they should be. But for us, the people who really practice, we should take the time to comment on others skills. We know how much effort can go into an effect you see for 5 seconds, so just be nice on the video comments please, people deserve respect.

i think i just crapped myself

but that need to be said
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