Handling and Handedness Confusion

Dec 12, 2012

I have been practising card magic for a few months now, but I have noticed a rather strange problem with my handedness. Naturally I am right handed (I write with my right hand etc.), and I understand that as a right handed person I should grip the deck in my left hand and perform any technical stuff with my right. However, as a guitar player (and having got used to doing the fiddly parts with my left hand) it feels more comfortable to hold the deck with my right and perform the majority of technical stuff with my left. I say the majority because there are certain false cuts etc. which feel more comfortable the other way around.

This is a bit of a problem because it seems kinda awkward to have to swap hands to perform these false cuts and such. What would you guys recommend? Should I not worry and go with whatever feels comfortable even if that means swapping the deck between hands occasionally, or should I go back to the drawing board and relearn everything consistently so that I can do it all without awkward hand swaps?

Kind regards

Hey Laurens,

I would tell you to learn the false cuts with your left hand so you don't have to switch hands and change up the pace. I'm also right handed but hold the deck in my left hand. Although it may make learning slights a little harder to understand at first, everything can be done with the deck held in the left hand. A prime example of a professional "lefty" would be Eric Jones. As long as you're confident and take the time to learn a slight correctly, you'll be fine. Feel free to message me if you have any questions or need some pointers with learning the cuts.

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