Introduction of myself

Sep 16, 2007
Hey magicians out there, I'm Alan and I'm new here @ theory11.
I hope you guys can help me out in my journey as a magician here :)
I'd love to recieve pointers ad I'm open to suggestions and improvements.

I'm a magician now for over two years, and I specialize in card magic and mentalism magic. I'm performing every now and then in my school and used to work as a magician.
I strongly believe that as a magician, you need not have thousands of tricks up your sleeves, but with just 3 powerful effects that are able to blow people's minds away anytime, anywhere, you are an accomplished magician. Just keep practising and mastering these masterpieces.
So yeah, I do hope I can learn alot more right here with your help.

Thanks, and have a good day ahead!
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