New Orleans Public Library News

Sep 1, 2007
For anyone who live in or around New Orleans, the New Orleans Public Library, as part of this grant they're getting is getting basically this gigantic machine which essentially creates nicely-bound soft-cover books from PDF files. These are not Kinko's quality. These (from what I heard) are much higher in quality. There are only two other machines like this in the world, one in the New York Public Library and one in Egypt.

What does this mean for any magicians? Take your free PDF copy of "Expert at the Card Table" (available by checking out this thread: or any of your many Lee Asher PDF's and be able to proudly display them on your shelf.

I am told that this is the future of publishing. Indeed...indeed it is.
Sep 1, 2007

I should have my cousin, he lives in new york, print me out some nice ebooks!

EDIT: Wait, do you have any information about it?

Like cost or how to get it done?
Sep 1, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Really though the spiral bound Kinko's type of prints are very convenient. You can literally lay the book flat and read through them with either coins, cards, or props in your hands to walk through the entire effect. Quite a few of the lecture notes I have are in this format and it makes them incredibly easy to work with.

Sep 1, 2007
Really though the spiral bound Kinko's type of prints are very convenient. You can literally lay the book flat and read through them with either coins, cards, or props in your hands to walk through the entire effect. Quite a few of the lecture notes I have are in this format and it makes them incredibly easy to work with.


Personally, I am really into books and bookmaking (not gambling, mind you, but physically creating and binding books). Some people have pet peeves; mine is low-quality books.

My other pet peeve is text on computers. I hate reading on computer screens. If I could print everything out and not be attacked by hippies, I just might. I have a bunch of magic PDF's (which I print out to learn from). Being able to proudly display these on my bookshelves would be great. That's just something I couldn't do with Kinko's booklets.

I wish Riverside Publishers would print magic books. Their stuff is so high quality, it stays open when you leave it open, no-acid paper, polyvinyl acetate adhesive. Soooo nice...
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