That's why

Jun 3, 2015
Lake District, UK
If you haven't watched Exposé yet this week then find the time to do so, it will take 7:15, that's all. I say this because, for me, JB absolutely nailed it when talking about Aiden and what it made him think/feel. There is a reason that we all love magic, there is a reason that we all love performing magic.

"It reminded me why we do what we do. We don't do magic to fool people, or trick people, or prove that we're smarter than them.
We do magic to have a positive impact in someone else's life if even for 10 seconds. Just that they smile, just that they laugh, just that they yell how did you do that and run away. That's a positive impact, a positive experience for someone else even for 10 seconds. That's that high we get as performers, that's why we do magic, that's why we practice, that's why we sit in a room alone and practice a sleight of hand move for hours and hours so that one day we can show it to someone else and have an impact."

"It reminded me why we do what we do, it reminded me of how powerful all of us are, and how much of an impact we can have in someone else's life just by doing something nice, just by showing them magic, just by doing something magical for someone else."

Couldn't have put it better myself.
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