thoughts on the personal collection...

Aug 6, 2017
Some of you may know Harry Lorayne. I personally love his tricks. The ebook for his book the personal collection is being sold for 50 dollars. I know the printed one was around 150 dollars. I saw the table of contents and there is some awesome stuff. I wanted to know if this book is for super advanced people and if there are better books I should buy from him (or dvd's like his best ever collection). I want some opinions his personal collection and some of his works. This is probably specific for only people who have some of his stuff. Thanks

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
Get it, no questions!

Harry Lorayne is a legend any of his books are great and I haven't found anything that is too difficult. He actually has a ton of great self working stuff. I'd say buy the book!
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