Invisible Deck - variation on pairing to allow even/odd cards

Apr 2, 2024
I was thinking about a different pairing for ID that allows for even+odd cards to show and helps avoid the split of kings.
Instead of pairing cards up that add to 13, pair up cards that add to 14. Then put hearts and clubs on one side and spades and diamonds on the other.
You'll get a mix of all the possible number cards plus red and black on both sides - which seems less noticeable to me than all odd or all even on one side.
Then when they name the card, you pull the side out that has the matching suit showing (i.e., keep hearts/clubs facing the front and spades/diamonds on the back - so if someone names a spade, you know you're looking for a heart, so pull out the front facing side of the deck.

Has anyone tried this? Or am I unnecessarily worrying about the odd/even mix. Has anyone ever had someone notice the odd/even mix?


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I've never paired them that way. But I can say from experience, two things.

1) No one notices the mix of the cards. Maybe magicians would, but who cares? Magicians don't pay your bills, laymen do.

2) I actually paired them with no addition. I put "pointies" one way, "curves" the other. So, the 2 of Spades was paired with the 2 of Hearts, 3 of Diamonds with the 3 of Clubs, etc. That way I don't have to worry about accidentally doing the math wrong in the heat of the moment.
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