Magic Shops in NYC?

Jan 18, 2009
I'm going to NYC at the end of this month for vacation. Where I live there's only one magic store and it's pretty lame. I was wondering if anyone knew of any cool shops in Manhattan? I'm sure my wife would love it if I blew my entire budget in one nerdtastic, magical orgy of spending. I'd hate to disappoint her.

May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
The two named above are the two best already.
I went to NYC for a day trip and visited both. I spent most my time in Fantasma talking and just jamming around. I also met quite a few "famous" magicians.
If youre staying in NYC for a long time, there is always the Monday Night Magic shows.
Jan 18, 2009
Sweet. Thanks for helping me out. I'm not exactly looking for anything specific; just hoping to luxuriate in a real magic shop. I noticed that Tannen's has custom decks for sale on their website, stuff like the Bicycle Raiders and Black Tigers and whatnot. I collect custom decks and I'm tired of paying shipping fees to order them online. Do you know if the actual brick and mortar store carries custom decks? It'd be much easier to just stock up while I'm there.
May 17, 2009
I was Just at Tannen's today at lunch. Nice selection. They are up on the 6th floor. I picked up two packs of Bicycle guardians and two of the centurians. They have a whole shelf of decks. they even have enviromentaly friendly decks (which I never heard of ) lol.
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