Non "Magiciany" EDC tricks.

Nov 20, 2018
Essentially just the title, but I have been trying to move away from cards, coins, and obvious magician stuff for casual performances. Do you guys have any recommendations for effects/routines? Preferably it is something with minimal set up and easy to carry around with me.


Elite Member
Aug 5, 2017
WA state USA
Essentially just the title, but I have been trying to move away from cards, coins, and obvious magician stuff for casual performances. Do you guys have any recommendations for effects/routines? Preferably it is something with minimal set up and easy to carry around with me.
It sounds like you are looking for more “organic” options. Maybe magic with everyday objects; do you wear a ring, carry a pen, a necklace? Awakening by Dan Harlan is a fun effect but the necklace might not fit your style.

Aside from what you usually carry, you could do magic that is relevant to your surroundings… like do you get coffee from the same place? Effects using napkins, coffee stirrers and so on are options. Coffeehouse Conjuring by Greg Wilson might be something that interests you.
Are you a student? You could try gimmicked notebooks or notepads, book tests etc. Parapad comes to mind.

Kind Of shots in the dark without knowing more about your magic style or what’s “casual” for you…but I hope that helps a bit.
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Antonio Diavolo

Elite Member
Jan 2, 2016
Ooh this is something I've thought a lot about. I've always loved the idea of maximizing the magic I can do on an average day without loading my pockets with stuff and without it seeming "magiciany" (like by carrying coins, cards, spongeballs). So I've been keeping track of stuff that I could reasonably have on my person, in my wallet, on my phone, on my keys, or in my brain. I've also curated the list to my needs based on reviews and other factors. So it's not just everything I could possibly find. Ideally it's mostly good stuff

As Josh mentioned, you really can't go wrong with impromptu stuff as it's quite literally, always with you.
- Josh already mentioned Coffee House Conjuring
- Coffee House Conjuring 2
- On the Spot (Honestly most of Gregory Wilson's stuff could be here)
- Tequila Hustler
- Quinta
- The Hoy Book Test
- PK Silverware and/or Liquid Metal
- Angle Z (This can be done with anything tearable, not just cards)
- iCurveball
- The TOXIC force
- Starcle
- Code Breaker
- Fizz Master

I will point out that coin magic doesn't have to be "obvious magician stuff". Obviously carrying around Morgan silver dollars is going to seem very magician-y but most coin sleights can be done with more everyday currency. And a coin gimmick (like a shell or flipper) in the form of a quarter will seem much less suspicious since it's a piece of currency that people are more familiar with and it's less suspicious that you'd have some quarters on you as opposed to like, half dollars.

I'm conflicted on rubber band magic as they're not exactly a normal thing to carry around but it's probably more normal than a deck of cards. I carry them around and I've actually been in several situations where they were needed for non-magic purposes. Plus they take up very little real estate on your wrist. Anything by Dan Harlan or Joe Rindfleish is good.

You could also look into some ring magic. Ring Thing is a pretty popular one.

Here's some gimmicks I like. I've put stars next to the ones I own. The others are ones I've heard good things about:
- Basically everything on Plainsight
- Hide-A-Key or Scotch and Whiskey
- Loops*
- Show Reel*
- Sticky Situation
- Flite*
- Hi-Jak Peek Wallet* (or any peek wallet really)
- Extreme Burn
- A thumb tip*
There's a couple expensive gimmicks I'd really like to get but that might not be for a long time.
- SB Watch
- MDMini

There's a few gimmicked credit card effects that I'm not a huge fan of but a lot of people seem to like them and they're definitely cool effects that you can easily slide into your wallet:
- Fraud
- Creditka
- Overdraft

I'm also a big fan of magic apps since my phone will usually be with me even if nothing else is. A lot of people dismiss them because they think the method would be obvious but a lot of the newer apps are really subtle and don't even seem like they could be an app.
- All of Marc Kerstein's Apps*
- Inject 2
- Chronoforce Pro
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Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
It sounds like you are looking for more “organic” options. Maybe magic with everyday objects; do you wear a ring, carry a pen, a necklace? Awakening by Dan Harlan is a fun effect but the necklace might not fit your style.
It's ritual, not awakening. Awakening is very "magiciany".
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