Saturday Night Contest - Solid Through Solid


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys! Hope you all are having a great weekend! Just yesterday we released the Mystery Bottle - an impossible glass bottle containing a sealed deck of Mystery Box Playing Cards. These are handcrafted by Jamie D. Grant, whose secret method remain a mystery.

The challenge for this week is directly inspired from the Mystery Bottle. When we think about it magically, the deck inside the bottle could be described as a penetration effect - solid through solid. That's what we have in mind for this week's contest.

Your job is to create and/or perform a penetration effect of your choice. It could be anything: cell phone through zip lock bag, coin in tic tac container, pen through bottle, etc. Anything that goes with the solid through solid plot is fair game.

Film and upload your performance to either YouTube or Vimeo, and post the link to your video in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 7:30pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, July 6th. After time is up, our panel of judges will go through all entries and decide on a winner.

Judging for this contest will be based on overall creativity and execution. You can perform an existing effect, but put a creative twist on it to increase your chance of winning. We also do not want to see any flashes; make sure you have practiced it before filming!

The winner for this week's contest will walk away with 1,000 Elite Member Points and their very own Mystery Bottle, shipped free, on the house.

We can't wait to see what you can come up with. Good luck to all participants!
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