Would Theory11 produce poker chips? (And a brief introduction + cards crowdfunding question)

Sep 9, 2017
Hello everyone!

Forgive me if this has ever been discussed before, but are poker chips something that Theory11 would ever consider producing?

I know there are a lot of poker chips out there in the market place, but I've not been able to find anything that matches the visual style, ambiance & atmosphere, or mysterious mysticism that Theory11 cards have. (And if there is such a set, please let me know about it.)

Am I alone in even wanting such a thing?
I would imagine that Theory11 could produce some truly awesome looking poker chips.

In all honesty, I am not a magician - nor even that great of a card player, but I am.... a "collector of things I like," I guess you could say. I've only just recently reignited my interest in playing cards after coming across a YouTube card review by Magic Orthodoxy.

Here are the Theory11 cards I just acquired:

(And here are some I just got from another source:

I say my interest is "recently reignited" because back in 2013 I attempted to start collecting playing cards by contributing to the "Founders Playing Cards" on Kickstarter.
I was one of over 1,100 backers that helped raise over $37,000 to help bring this card set into reality.... and the creator, a "John Slabyk" promptly ran off with the money and left all the backers with nothing. Backers of this project are still talking about this scam in the comments section of the Kickstarter page 4 years later, throwing out ideas and tracking this Slabyk online from time to time.... but ultimately, I don't think anything will ever be done. We were duped out of our money. And even though I'm only personally out $14, the whole experience left a bad taste in my mouth and I just pushed the idea of collecting playing cards aside until now.

Now I see that many a fine deck has been produced via crowdfunding since that time... so I guess my question is, are deck scams a thing of the past now? Was I just one of a unlucky few, statistically speaking? The sad thing is, those Founders Playing Cards were a great design, I'd still buy that deck today if it existed.... but just thinking about it still irks me.

I guess what I'm ultimately asking with this line of conversation is, would a Theory11 designed poker chip launched on Kickstarter be a viable option, if the powers at be would be so inclined to go that route?

And if Theory11 has no interest in poker chips, does anyone know of a source that offers a set that "looks as cool" (a subjective question I know) as Theory11 playing cards?
Jan 26, 2017
I think that TXI poker chips would look dope! I don't think they would need to start a kickstarter though, since they are a huge company already.

I don't think there are too many scams out there on kickstarter. Most people genuinely like producing their deck on there. However, if you are scared of it happening again, I would wait until the deck is fully backed and sold on Penguin Magic, or some other company, unless you really like the deck and want to back it, or the deck is going to be super limited.
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Sep 9, 2017
I think that TXI poker chips would look dope! I don't think they would need to start a kickstarter though, since they are a huge company already.

I don't think there are too many scams out there on kickstarter. Most people genuinely like producing their deck on there. However, if you are scared of it happening again, I would wait until the deck is fully backed and sold on Penguin Magic, or some other company, unless you really like the deck and want to back it, or the deck is going to be super limited.

I've bought maybe .... 50 or 60 decks from Kickstarter. Never once been "scammed" sorry about your experience.

I've contributed to a lot of different projects and products on Kickstarter over the years, to varying degrees of satisfaction (or disappointment in more rare cases), but that Founders Playing Cards Kickstarter is the only outright scam I've encountered.
I guess I should chalk it up to experience. I didn't know anything about the producer of that campaign before I contributed, and that's on me. I'd like to think I'm more of a informed consumer now, especially with videos out there like yours Magic Orthodoxy, and sites like this - I can learn more about people behind the decks to inform my interests - should I ever contribute to a crowd-sourced card set again.

I'll check that Penguin Magic site out Maaz, I've not been to that one yet.

Forgive me if this has ever been discussed before, but are poker chips something that Theory11 would ever consider producing?


// L

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