What are you working on?

Jan 30, 2009
im working on my own invention i call it that because i dont know if its done because what i do is throw split and throw the two packets that spin in the ari im trying to make them go in different directions so im thinking of a way of doing that as it will look better what are all use out there doing.
Jun 4, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
im working on my own invention i call it that because i dont know if its done because what i do is throw split and throw the two packets that spin in the ari im trying to make them go in different directions so im thinking of a way of doing that as it will look better what are all use out there doing.

maybe you should work on your grammar first.

no offense but i can hardly understand what your trying to say.

Sep 1, 2007
maybe you should work on your grammar first.

no offense but i can hardly understand what your trying to say.


oh sweet grammer correction? "what you're trying to say", contracted from you are... if he had a talking frog you might be able to use that for example: "I can't understand what your frog is trying to say"

Do you have a frog, cardbeginner93?
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
oh sweet grammer correction? "what you're trying to say", contracted from you are... if he had a talking frog you might be able to use that for example: "I can't understand what your frog is trying to say"

Do you have a frog, cardbeginner93?

You beat me to it. -sigh-

But you spelled grammar wrong. :)

Onwards, upwards and back on topic.

I am currently working on two things. First is a simple two packet, one handed cut.

The other is experimenting with a new, well stumbled upon at the least, way of throwing cards. Can't control it for my life right now.

Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
Ok, i lets stop the gammar fight. Methinks we all bda at grmmmer in 1 way or anuder.

Anyways, i'm working on the revolution cut cuz i just foudn out that i was doing it the worng way for 10 months now so i have to start all over :(.


I've been spending a lot of time working on my DPS. It's fun to try and incorporate it into different routines. really cool move.
Also been working on Dangerous:Motion.... which is awesome.
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