First Magic Experience You Remember - Share

Jan 13, 2013
I was just at the new location last week when on a business trip (it moved twice since the Loew's building). The first move was not a good thing but a new, quite young guy bought Tannen's and he almost exactly replicated the original store I speak of (he has some of the original steel bins that held accessories, behind the counter). The only thing missing is the old building's fantastic elevator that opened right into the store.
Sadly, Tony Spina who took over from old man Tannen at the original, is not doing well. If you can find out his email, wish him well. He was a great addition to that original store and a friend. He worked at Tannen's for so many years before owning it. -Keith
Jun 13, 2013
Mine dates back to 1966 Logans port IN. A Circus come to town the type were side shows still went on out side the main tent. Sadly I don't remember the magician name but there a small side tent like something out of the Arabian tales stood this gold and purple tent mystic symbols all about and the smell of something amazing was coming from the door way. My father paid the hefty price of 10 cents to get us both in. There for first time I saw a wonder that surpassed any of the books my parents read to me, I was transfixed on this man each effect was better than the last, each move every step he did seem like pure and true magic to me. I almost felt I wanted to cry when it was over but then to my amazement he talked how there is a little magic in us all, I looked up at my dad "Is that true daddy do I have magic in me?" The magician sold small magic kits after each of his shows and to me it was the magic lamp waiting to rubbed. My father got me that kit it was mostly small metal puzzles but there was one thing in there that was true magic a staple of magic one might say a Svengali deck and the the ball and vase now made of plastic mine was of wood sadly all that is left of that kit is the vase. But the memory's of a dad I saw little of due to his work in the Air Force that day well magic being with my dad for sure and more because we shared something beyond the bond of father son, he encouraged me every chance he had one of the last acts of love this man did for me there was a magic shop going out of business here in Vegas took me and laid down all his credit cards "what ever my boy wants you sell it to him". I was 53 years old rube of the lamp smell of sawdust and I'm transported back in time to the sounds of "STEP RIGHT UP AN SEE THE WONDERS OF THE UNIVERSE" and I'm a kid again sharing that special time with dad.
Well, this will probably be the least inspirational story of all time.
I got into magic last year while I was 'revising' for my exams. I quite simply got bored of revising and started searching for random things on the internet. I ended up finding a tutorial for a coin vanish. It then took me about a month of constant practise to be able to pull it off. Since then I simply haven't stopped learning new tricks. (Although my Mum did ban me from doing magic for about 2 months while I had to revise for this years exams, this still didn't stop me though ;) )
So, that's how I got into magic, a random internet search.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Well, this will probably be the least inspirational story of all time.
I got into magic last year while I was 'revising' for my exams. I quite simply got bored of revising and started searching for random things on the internet. I ended up finding a tutorial for a coin vanish. It then took me about a month of constant practise to be able to pull it off. Since then I simply haven't stopped learning new tricks. (Although my Mum did ban me from doing magic for about 2 months while I had to revise for this years exams, this still didn't stop me though ;) )
So, that's how I got into magic, a random internet search.

My 'story of how I started' isn't far from that. The girl I was dating some time ago did a semester of grad school in Mexico City. I was bored, I'd already cleaned the apartment as clean as it would get. I decided to learn a couple card tricks to show her when she got home. I learned Chicago Opener and Jumping Gemini off YouTube and the rest as they say is history.

The girl is long gone, but magic isn't going anywhere it seems.
I remember seeing a clown pull a quarter out of another kids ear and doing other silly tricks like the breakaway wand, but the first time I really felt I saw *magic* was seeing David Copperfield on TV when I was five. It was his Bermuda Triangle or Orient Express special, and I really felt that I witnessed the impossible... he "disturbed my reality" lol. When I was 7, I went to see him live where he closed with the death saw and I met him for the very first time. Stands out as one of my favorite childhood moments!
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