Goodbye :: Theory11

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Dec 10, 2007
Well, to Theory11 and all it's people... I've joined this site almost a month now, and I've had a bad (bad, bad, bad x1000) and a wrong impression of Magic/Flourishing (Through Theory11, and not just T11 but other magic sites too). I think I'm going to quit magic/flourishing (for a while) I don't know how long, but for now I think I'm going to give it up. I thought Theory11 was awesome at first, but it looks like now... Well, we'll see what will come later on. So...Goodbye guys - Goodbye Theory11 - Goodbye... um.. Basically, goodbye everyone haha I'll see you guys on the flipside ^.-
Thanks and take care!

Dec 10, 2007
You're gonna give up on magic because of a couple magic sites? Tsk, tsk.....

Well, see ya later (hopefully), and good luck!

Anthony Bass
Well, not because "a couple of magic sites" but the community (the people) it's downgraded a whole lot, and after what I've read on a lot of forums, here and on other sites, magic and flourishing aren't even fun anymore (after I see what people say). There's no more respect or fun from what I see.

Goodbye, we are not going to miss you

Ah, the anticipation of you leaving so I may say the same just kills me!

Leaving forums is one thing but I always hate to see people leaving magic...

Dude, magic and or flourishing are as fun as you want to make them. Its the respect you have for the art that matters, not how others feel. Reading something on " a lot of forums" doesn't matter, its you feelings that matter. If you truly feel this is what you must do then I wish you the best my friend.

I just hope you know, people are idiots, don't let anyone or anything run you, your art or your life.

Sep 1, 2007
I really hope this is not because of my topic. If it is, you misunderstood. And I sort of feel bad.

Don't go!
Well, not because "a couple of magic sites" but the community (the people) it's downgraded a whole lot, and after what I've read on a lot of forums, here and on other sites, magic and flourishing aren't even fun anymore (after I see what people say). There's no more respect or fun from what I see.


Don't let others tell you how to feel about something you love to do. Maybe it's not fun to other people. Sucks for them. But if it's fun to you, then who cares what they think? I don't, and you shouldn't.

Anthony Bass
Sep 2, 2007
out of curiosity, what would happen if on all the forums you go to, everyone started trash talking about how eating sucks? and how breathing is for losers?
Sep 1, 2007

Believe me. We all see many flaws in the current magic community. If you feel that there is no respect for fun anymore, get out there and make a difference. That shows real character, giving up doesn't.

Just my opinion.
Sep 1, 2007
out of curiosity, what would happen if on all the forums you go to, everyone started trash talking about how eating sucks? and how breathing is for losers?

I would not listen to them.

I would do my own thing.

Who cares if people say "wow you are such a dork for doing..."

That makes them stupid, or losers for making fun of me or anyone else.

Those people will not survive in the real world I will admit the real world is harsh but you should walk your own path.

I don't mean be a reble but you don't have to listen to what everyone says.

Pick and choose.
Dec 10, 2007
nah guys thanks but the problem is simply after everything is said and done, im not having the fun i want to be having with cards, its become more like a chore so im laying off the cards and a buncha trash talk on forums and weird videos....of cats....doing things....(that was random) but thanks
Sep 1, 2007
San Francisco, CA
nah guys thanks but the problem is simply after everything is said and done, im not having the fun i want to be having with cards, its become more like a chore so im laying off the cards and a buncha trash talk on forums and weird videos....of cats....doing things....(that was random) but thanks

Alright man. I respect your decision to leave. Hopefully it will be temporary, and we will see you again soon. T11 will always be here for you.

Sep 1, 2007
Lets hope you're taking a break.

When you come back, I'm sure you will, we'll have open arms for you.

This may sound a bit "mean", but here i go...

What are you expecting from me, pity?

Well you aint getting that.

My local magic shop owner says, " Most people who write on forums (magic cafe, ellusionist, theory 11 , penguin magic, etc. ) are a bunch of idiots who are not magicians or flourishers, but COUCH MAGICIANS,(people who just learn the trick or flourish and leave it at that.) and all of those people have no experience to back up their theories."

Well I personally beleive this now, because of all the crap on the internet...

CHoose whether you want to beleive this too.....

And don't lose hope or quit on anything..
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