Am I ready for street magic?

May 17, 2009
United Kingdom
My advice would be to get at least 3 tricks really good (to the extent that you do them naturally) and have good patter and then at the first opportunity go out and perform (probably to young girls first as they are easy to perform to and freak out loads) and then gradually begin to perform to more people and to groups etc.
Good luck
Aug 19, 2008
The very first time I performed on the "streets" (a.k.a. in my high school hallway) I did screw up. But that didnt stop me! I just kept on performing for people I know until I can do something without even thinking. Oh, and even if you do screw up on the streets, it doesn't matter. So what if you screw up in front of total strangers? There just STRANGERS!!!!! What are the chances of you seeing them again? If you want to go out and perform, GO OUT AND PERFORM! If you don't, then don't. You just have to ask yourself: Am I ready?
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