LZ23 color change

Jun 30, 2011
it's my creation
i hope you guys like it...
thanks for watching !

Feb 4, 2008
This is probably hypocritical coming from me, a guy who has no problem combining flourishing and magic, but truth be told I really couldn't "follow" it. Spinning the card around your fingers, though pretty, takes away from the color change. You best bet is to show it to some laymen. If they are not following the color change then you need to decide if you want a color change or a flourish and leave it at that. good luck
Jun 30, 2011
You really need to calm down with all the twirling and flourishes. I'm not actually opposed to including flourishing in a magic performance (I use quite a few myself) but I think this is a little much. Look at Dan and Dave's magic, while they use many flourishes they use them at the correct moments. Their flourishes never overshadow the magic effect they're performing. I think this colour change would look much better if you slow down a bit and remove some of the unnecessary motion before and after it so people can actually appreciate the effect. It may well be a very nice change but it's a bit difficult to tell what's going on at the moment.
Jan 20, 2009
I agree with everyone else The flourishing needs to be cut down alot or taken out,
when i watched it i did not even notice a change i had to watch it again.
I didn't have much of a problem following it, but that may be because I knew what to look for. I agree that it would probably be better to put more of an emphasis on the magic rather than the flourishing around it though. Work to find a good balance between flashy and effective that suits you.
Jun 30, 2011
thanks you guys very much... i'm glad to hear from you, i will improve that, thanks all
(sorry about my bad EL...)
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