W-E-C (Week-End-Contest)?

Jan 15, 2008
in the royal court
after i posted up this thread:
and got some feedback, i came up with this: (just an idea lol)

the WEC (week end contest) ( P.S.: it lasts form friday to monday) XD

2 different conests on the same weekend:

1 Flourish contest
-members are to creat a cut which should resemble to the molecule series from dan and dave buck, the is to be named molecule 5, to join the molecule saga
the flourishes videos are to be posted from friday 11:00 pm to sunday 6:00pm,
dan and dave will personally view the videos and choose a winner. The prize is a promotion to the cut, performed and taught by dan and dave (lets make it clearer: the dude that wins, his cut will be taught and performed by the bucks on the 1 on 1 section, and the creator will be named and credited) also half a brick of centurions, and the official theory11 weight lifting set.

2 Magic contest
-members are to create, or send in an already created trick (which was created by themselves, and not published in anyway) Make a video of the performance only and submited by sunday at 6:00pm. the tricks will be viewed by T11 staff members, the winner will also take a 2nd edition weightlifting set, and i dont know.... 2 different 1 on 1 teaching of their choice..

OK, i got carried away on this post,,... Im sorry XD... i was just having fun, but i think it would be a good idea,.... post your thoughts on this

winners announced by monday at 11:00 pm
Dec 10, 2007
ill see if i can take part in it...
What DAY is the thing due?
and taking dan and daves original flourish and have someone else make a variation of it...? i dont think thats right.
Aug 31, 2007
its not a variation... its a new cut that resembles to the previous molecules.... us your imagination and skills

That's a variation. And create a molecule in 3 days? I'm sorry, but I have to say:

GIVE IT UP!!!! It's not gunna happen. I'm sorry, but do we really need more contests? Aren't we spoiled enough by T11 already? A contest a week.... if you want the prizes, go buy the stuff yourself.
Oct 28, 2007
i think this would be great come on there are some very imaginative people on these forums and i am sure that some people would love the challenge and maybe i could replace the snc like once a month.
Aug 31, 2007
i think this would be great come on there are some very imaginative people on these forums and i am sure that some people would love the challenge and maybe i could replace the snc like once a month.

Could someone master a molecule cut in a week, let alone three days? t11 would never do this, sorry guys. :(

Forgot, this is ninja, the guy who did everything on XB perfectly after looking at it. XD
That's a variation. And create a molecule in 3 days? I'm sorry, but I have to say:

GIVE IT UP!!!! It's not gunna happen. I'm sorry, but do we really need more contests? Aren't we spoiled enough by T11 already? A contest a week.... if you want the prizes, go buy the stuff yourself.

This sounds fun, If they did something like it I would definitely join.
And, Dummyisdumb, I've noticed a lot of your posts here are negative and
not very supportive of other people's ideas. Please, It isn't very kind to tell someone to "GIVE IT UP!!!!" Just trying to spread the love..
At Theory11, we all gotta be cool with each other, you dig?

Calvin Lauber
Oct 28, 2007
well maybe something not as hard to master like that maybe a contest on cut that you have created and been working on that way you know it and you have practiced it and you have 3 days to make a kick a** video
Aug 31, 2007
This sounds fun, If they did something like it I would definitely join.
And, Dummyisdumb, I've noticed a lot of your posts here are negative and
not very supportive of other people's ideas. Please, It isn't very kind to tell someone to "GIVE IT UP!!!!" Just trying to spread the love..
At Theory11, we all gotta be cool with each other, you dig?

Calvin Lauber

I myself would most likely join, but, I don't think T11 needs to do something this massive, remember, this is just a magic shop, people are asking way to much nowadays.

well maybe something not as hard to master like that maybe a contest on cut that you have created and been working on that way you know it and you have practiced it and you have 3 days to make a kick a** video

It would be unfair, I'm sorry. These are just for fun, you guys are taking it for granted, what if they just took away the contests?
Jan 15, 2008
in the royal court
dummyisdumb u need to chill......
it was just an idea i came up with, if you dont like just say u dont, dont say that its lame and stupid, i was just playing around, yes it would be a good challenge, for some,...
at least thats what i think

peace, caruso
I like the idea of two contests. Although I would perfer if there was one for flourishing, like anything that involves flourishing, and one for magic( more than creating tricks). Eventually peole will run out of ideas fo molecules then most of the people would make crappy cuts and enter. As for the magic it would be nice to do something more than just creating tricks. Maybe if they ask to perform a trick, and the best performence wins would be much better than creating and posting.
Jan 13, 2008
I like this idea. However, the prizes do seem a bit to outrageous. Seems a bit much to ask for. I know that Theory11 would adjust to fit, but im trying to show that dummyisdumb's statements have merit. Now matter how harsh they come off as. But ninja made a good point/idea that maybe this could replace SNC once a month. However, since this is a bigger contest and is alot harder and takes more time,the automatic claim of bragging rights as the winner of such a hard contest, in addition to whatever the SNC prize would be, is enough. Like I said already, I would join regardless (providing theres a magic part, seeing as though I could probably palm an elephant, but when it comes to flourishing....heres me....."You want me to do ?WHAT? with this third packet!?AAAAAAAAAAAAAND 52 card pickup."

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
It's a good idea but, it's essentially the same as the Saturday Night Contest just lasts a few extra days.

Although, it would be nice to see some challenging SNC's for even greater prizes.

Just my 2 cents.

I have to agree, there are some nice ideas being presented, however, this contest would essentially be the same as a Saturday Night Contest.

However, these are some good ideas for future contests... I hear the Sean_Raf has a cool contest going on at the moment...

Peace, :)
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