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  1. taylood

    New Trainer Deck Concept?

    Send me a message thru the contact bit at the bottom of the home page so I can get your contact details and we can get something moving! SUPER stoked to have someone else with me on this train.
  2. taylood

    New Trainer Deck Concept?

    Hey Dean! I make all of these decks by hand, with a process that I've learned over almost a year. There is glue, but it isn't just a glue stick. There is rubber cement, but it isn't just rubber cement. I make usually batches of four at a time, because once they are adhered to each other they...
  3. taylood

    New Trainer Deck Concept?

    Hey guys, If you wouldn't mind, take a few minutes and check my website for trainer decks out. Or rather, Treynor decks. I've been practicing and performing with these packets for almost a year and have in the last month realized I could and should be selling them. The site is so new and the...
  4. taylood

    Revolution by Gregory Wilson

    I am a proud owner and user of revolution - so much so that I am known as the "Harlem Globetrotter kid" at a local restaurant. The gimmick is NOT usable with one card - not without a fair bit of DIY disguising it. With that said I mainly use this with my invisible deck routines, as a fun flashy...
  5. taylood

    Park Avenue. Today. Magic Tricks. Be there, or be ^2.

    Park Avenue. Today. Magic Tricks. Be there, or be ^2.
  6. taylood

    Would you guys be interested?

    I agree with Christopher, and at least you should give him credit. I've been a faithful follower of Spidey for a while, almost blindly buying everything he puts out just because I've never seen a bad effect come out, and that includes Phantom. An impromptu version would be a huge improvement...
  7. taylood

    Help Us Stop Magic Piracy

    I haven't read through this entire thread, but I'm sure this includes those youtube tutorials that start with something like, "I didn't buy this effect, but I'm pretty sure this is how it's done," It sickens me how many young and creative people who are looking to get their work out there and...
  8. taylood

    Check my cardistry out on YouTube - just search for "Cardistrey". Me and some DJ guy is the only...

    Check my cardistry out on YouTube - just search for "Cardistrey". Me and some DJ guy is the only thing to show up haha
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