
  1. Gabriel Z.

    Youtube Guilt

    Hi folks, I have a YouTube channel , and lately I've been considering weather I should have put it up in the first place. I have read some threads on the forum concentrating on this topic. Moreover , I know of some people on this forum who also have YouTube channels. I think I...
  2. S

    The Invisible Palm Technique (Youtube)

    Hey guys! Here it is my second video from my channel (SilverMagicAddict)! This time i tried to perform "The Invisible Palm Technique" with some music on it. I hope you like... and im sorry about the image of the video, don't know what's going on (to much pixel viewing and i dont know why) but...
  3. Momotheritz

    Magic music

    Hello! I created a youtube channel about a week ago or so and I am ready to post my first videos. I am looking for background music to play while I do magic or throughout the video but because I am into 50s and 60s music ( I'm weird ), I don't know many songs that would work well with this. I am...
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