Magic music

Jul 9, 2016
Hello! I created a youtube channel about a week ago or so and I am ready to post my first videos. I am looking for background music to play while I do magic or throughout the video but because I am into 50s and 60s music ( I'm weird ), I don't know many songs that would work well with this. I am looking for like just cool songs such as this one:
Please let me know if you have any recommendations, the more the better. Thank you!
Btw, in case you're interested, the youtube channel is called momotheritz ( it's gonna be very cool! ).
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
You need to make sure the music is royalty free. I don't have suggestions because that's not an era I tend to listen to, but you can use a Creative Commons search (google it) and search out royalty free or public domain music and try to match stuff up to your videos.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Depends on what you're trying to do though. A LOT of cardistry videos reuse the same song because it sounded good in another trailer.

And because they don't understand that making someone think of another performer while watching your performance is a bad thing.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Also, never underestimate the power of music in your shows/gigs. Adding just that extra sensory fulfillment allows the audience to enjoy the magic just that little bit more. It may seem like a pain to take a speaker/equipment and such, but with the new bluetooth speaker like the BOSE, they put out an excellent quality sound controlled via your cellphone. That's what I use in my shows and it is inexpensive.
Dec 5, 2014
Depends what type of music you enjoy.
I love using EDM and trap music that have a build up and strong bass. I noticed Chris Ramsay uses some songs like that haha and it's really enjoyable to watch with!
Soundcloud for sure is great, because that's where all DJ's and aspiring musicians put their music.
Aug 19, 2016
Some genres I enjoy using myself are NuJazz, Down-tempo, Trip-Hop, Casino Jazz, even Blues lol. Anything to give me that "card sharp" feeling while I'm messing around or practicing. It makes me feel quite a bit slicker with the cards and able to handle them like... well.... a card sharp. :D
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