
  1. scottbaird

    UNDO Two (original card trick)

    Hello all, Just felt like sharing a new card routine that I put together for myself. Crediting the method- it combines a special Faro shuffle that I use in some of my own original work with the Undo Influence Control, created by Simon Aronson and explained in depth in his book, Try The...
  2. Derek Humberson

    Shin Lim making an awesome fan

    Came across Shin Lim doing this double fan. Looks like he is springing the cards from a faro shuffle, then using his thumb and and pointer finger to hold the cards like a rifle fan. I've never witnessed this move anywhere. My jaw on the floor. Here is the link...
  3. Scodischarge

    Table Faro Applications

    Hi guys, I've heard a lot about the table faro and set out to learning it myself, as it's a really cool move to do. But I have one question: Apart from stacking the deck, what can I actually use it for? Thank you for your input!
  4. B

    faro simulator and faro card game

    I have been playing around with faro shuffle techniques and ended up writing my own faro shuffle simulator. There are others around but mine shows the patterns of in and out shuffles to move cards from one position to another. You can find it at http://robertjwallace.com/faro. While exploring...
  5. lolhammertime

    How to do a faro cascade with an old deck of cards?

    Hello readers! I really love the faro cascade flourish, it just looks beautiful. What I've noticed, though, is that old decks of cards can't cascade (sometimes it can, but it's really hard), it just falls down in one huge chunk instead of one-by-one even with a perfect faro. And I don't want to...
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