
  1. Antonio Diavolo

    Weirdest/funniest questions you've been asked while performing?

    I get a lot of ridiculous questions when performing and thought it would be interesting to share mine/hear everyone else's. So here are a few of the strangest questions I've been asked: "Does it have to be a blue deck? Because you're wearing a blue shirt too and that's kind of suspicious..."...
  2. Antonio Diavolo

    Biddle Trick presentation ideas?

    I've known this trick for awhile and I honestly love the effect itself. But I've always had trouble trying to justify the whole "5 card" thing. I don't like the traditional "cutting to within five cards of yours" thing because spectators aren't stupid. They know you could cut right to their card...
  3. P

    Houdini diaries

    Hi guys!!! Really sorry if this is in the wrong place but I wondered if anyone knew anything about Harry Houdini's diaries??? Are they available anywhere??? Does anyone have any recommendations for any other great reading on Houdini??? Would love some research tips if you guys have some!!! It's...
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