mind blowing

  1. BlakeBN

    Mind reading with watches

    Ive always been interested in the different tricks such as the timeless watch, infinity watch, etc, all those mind reading with watches effects, I was just wondering if there’s anyway to do that other than buying a the more expensive effects, I’ve heard and seen many ways to do it with...
  2. M

    Is Female Mentalist Rebecca Herrera Too Pretty to be in Magic?

    Is this the age of female magicians? If so, this is GREAT. Rebecca Herrera fooled Penn & Teller on episode 7 of 'Fool Us' - She becomes the first British female to confound the big guys of magic - - - The effect was original rather than a copy so I was extra impressed. Unfortunately, the...
  3. haildeception

    The Best FREE trick to make a huge impact on someone.

    So recently I've learnt a lot of card tricks that involve sleight of hand, and although they are pretty handy, it's not like they are 100% unnoticeable. Every once in a while somebody will just catch me while performing. So I need a FREE to learn trick that will silence them or make them scream...
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