riffle fan aka 52 card pick up

  1. 2

    Riffle Fan HELP!!

    I got the riffle fan down with the move it is just i cant get it consistent i have practiced for about a week and i just cant get the cards to go 360 degrees. and when they do they fall out of my hand what do i do. I can get the cards to about 2/3 of the way but then they stop.
  2. CardMagicNJ

    Check it out !! Did my first full sloppy riffle fan !! Woooo

    Seriously guys cardistry is tough !! I'm more of a card magician magic guy but I like to throw a little bit of cardistry in between tricks whatever I'm able to do. Anyway for the longest time I've been getting half to three-quarters of a rotation of my riffle fan. Can you guys please look at...
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